Almost Same Codes, One AC ,Other WA for PERCAPTA

Just scroll up and reach where the discussion started i have mentioned all links.

Your mistake


But its Obvious that it’s not visited through this loop:

for(int j=0;j<adj[d].size();j++)
        if(visit[adj[d][j]]==0 && maxper==per[adj[d][j]])s.push(adj[d][j]);

Becuase this loop controls whether while loop will end or not.
Am i right?

Yeah you’re right. If it’s in the stack, it’s not visited.
Although I’m not able to figure out why your WA is not passing.

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See, your code marks visited when value is popped. So, it is possible that, some value was already in stack but it can again be pushed because it is not visited.

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@sebastian You are a Genius,
My WA Code Passed , i just added the if condition
My WA Changed AC code- Click Here


Thnx man. I have faced the same mistake

Damn that’s right! Nice one.

But i am not able to digest this Reason Can You elaborate it?
As i just marked visited before pop operation and that again got WA.

Consider a square with diagonals connected (points from 1 to 4). We start with first vertex (say 1). Now the other three vertices will be pushed in stack. Till now vis[1]=1 and three value in stack. Now we mark vis[2]=1 and pop it. Now 2 is also connected to 3 vertices (1,3,4) .But only 3 and 4 will be pushed again as they have not been marked visited till now


Right! So we push the same nodes multiple times into the stack. Whenever I write my dfs, I mark the node visited right after pushing it as a convention. Nice to see how not doing that can cause problems!

Your Example is great but i am not able to relate it perfectly.Sorry for that.Can you give a simple example or explain the current example in more depth?Sorry for the dumbness :sweat_smile:

Run your dfs on a triangle (say vertices are 1,2,3). We first push 1 in stack. Now 1 is pop and vis[1]=1. Now 2 and 3 are pushed in stack. Now, 2 is pop and vis [2]=1. Now adj vertices of 2 are 1 and 3. But vis[1]=1. So, 3 will be pushed in stack. Now there are two 3 in stack. Hope you understood.

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Thank You So much @sebastian . I got the whole point. You are a genius!!
I was missing this point.Once again thanks :grin:

@aneee004 I was seeing your Your AC Solution.I Submitted this same solution which first gave TLE and when i changed it to scanf printf it gave WA.

Why AC code is giving WA?
Have they changed the test cases?
Your WA Solution - Click Here

Not sure what happened when you submitted.
I tried submitting the same code, with fast I/O here and it passes.

[EDIT]: Well well well, you have used "%d" to scan a long long datatype. Here is the accepted solution with scanf() using the proper type specifier, that is "%lld".

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Sorry Bro I made a mistake of not putting ll.
My bad :confused:

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Lol. I shouldn’t have used long long for A and B. Int is sufficient. In that case I should typecaste all the comparisons to LL though.

It’s good practice to keep all the variables as int, if long long isn’t necessary. The operations on int are also faster.

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Yes,You are Right.I Sometimes got TLE due to unnecessary use of long long int where int was sufficient.Sometimes endl also landed me with TLE.

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