ANDOOR - Editorial

Thanks a lot! Turns out I was very lucky with my AC submission. In fact, my AC submission has more rounding errors, but they pull in opposite directions :slight_smile:

so just googled it, and 22/7 is actually the least accurate fraction for PIE. Huge lesson learned here.
Great question all together! Lots to learn. Geometry + Programming is one of my weak points.

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I apologise for the above post; it wasn’t called for. (Though I’m not sure what you mean regarding MAXCIR/CLOSEST, in MAXCIR I mentioned an issue with unsigned integers that you/everyone else seemed to agree with, rather than any complaining?) My more thought-out response is below.

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I think you cannot prove that these solution are 100% correct, but one may reason as follows to “show” that a big error is unlikely to occur:

  • each precision error can be seen as a random value say in interval (-eps,eps)

  • if we sum n such values: by CLT, the probability that we get an error bigger than 3epssqrt(n) is negligible.

Ah, and the edge cases only make a difference due to the fact you don’t get the negatives cancelling them out.

Still, with n being a million, and the fact that you have to raise the probability of success to the power of 1000 test cases…

Thanks. And sorry again about the initial response; having spent quite a while debugging precision issues I got a bit frustrated finding that they weren’t actually completely intended / accounted for in the official solution either (hopefully you can understand that!). But I’m not surprised you hadn’t found them either - there’s a lot more complexity to this than I was thinking.


Well, I only wrote that I agree but I still believe that it is nice trick :stuck_out_tongue:
And actually the style of that your answer was a bit offensive for me.

… I have never seen such a detailed disccusion on precision issues before !..

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Try this:
628 184 2
477.64 0.00 0.03
172.00 0.01 305.62
If I count correctly till 15 then this should be your test :slight_smile:
Correct answer is 197.4966989
while your answer is 197.497702703.

@anton_lunyov : My code works fine with two test cases posted here . Can you give a test case specific to where my code fails . Thanks in advance .

Please provide ID of the submit for which you want to know the test. You last submits contains some weird checks.

@dirayet Your program produces negative answer for the following test:
839 674 2
838.98 437.29 839.02
430.11 574.67 530.12
If I correctly extracted the test.

@anton_lunyov : I also need test cases for Submission ID : 1710810

965 290 4
978.17 335.00 44.97
933.21 379.95 597.64
896.96 980.24 362.36
534.57 978.93 816.87
The answer is 12.9705983
while your answer is 12.91059874336296

@anton_lunyov : Thanks for the test case :slight_smile:
I will have to find my mistake yet!

Can you give me testcase where code with submission id 1725756 fails ? There is only one line difference between 1725756 and 1725755 , which does not fall in any of the possible mistakes you explained in the editorial .

In this case error would because of difference between x and sqrt(x)*sqrt(x) . I am not able to understand this because I am using sqrt(x) in correct submission also .

The output here is truncated. So I can’t find any particular test case.

Hence, I’ve run you program against the test where you have WA on
A8OB3T - Online C++ Compiler & Debugging Tool -

It returns nan or some very large number for some tests.

And now you can download that test case and play with it locally. Enjoy :slight_smile:


@admin for 1723008

You should either use integers for circle parameters or do check of intersection of circle with side using epsilon. You exactly trap in the situation described in the editorial.

@anton_lunyov : Actually I had tried taking long long before and still I was getting wrong answer . But I just checked that it got AC only on adding 0.01 to it((LL)(r*100+0.01)), and then converting into long long , which appears really strange to me as how could that make a difference . Be it bad luck or something else, but I am really disappointed that just adding 0.01 makes my WA to AC , and I missed it in the contest.

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