Barclyas HackerEarth Challenge

Use the concept of divisor sieve.

Divisor Sieve

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thanks for sharing @avi141 i haven’t heard about this concept of divisor sieve thanks a lot.

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and also if possible do share some resource for tackling the problems like hard sum of barclays if possible.

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Pure Brilliancy,Sir.

Check this editorial and problem on codechef.
They have very similar solutions :).
Seems like author just replaced AND with OR and removed i<j.

A brief summary is as follows.
Break the problem into a subproblem where given a binary array find sum of bitwise OR of it.
Once you solve that subproblem it won’t be hard for you to realize that answer is \sum_{i=0}^{31} ans(i)*2^i \mod m where m=10^9+7. (If constraints have 32 bits in number)
Hint for solving that subproblem :
Count number of “1” and number of “0”.
ans(i)= Count of OR_1 = total - count of OR_0 = (n*n) - (cnt_0*cnt_0) \mod m

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@gagangaur @avi this Divisor Sieve is very efficient and useful as this is also used in one another solution which is asked by rk_221b in this → Count all special element question (Help).

But how this divisor sieve is used here. I think instead of using divisor sieve e can use the concept of set bits as we know here a number is represented by 32 bits and the property of OR is to set the i’th bit , and count all the possible pairs , i will code and if works then definitely i will share :slight_smile:

Is this a sarcastic reply ?

Nope,I am new to bits-manipulation and this helped me a lot :slight_smile: Thanks :slight_smile:

understand the logic behind it then think how it can be modified for OR

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Any more similar problems you have ? :slight_smile:

@ssrivastava990 try your best bro and do let us know that your approach worked or not.

@gagangaur @anon55659401 @ganesh92 @avi141
Here u go–
// An efficient C++ program to compute sum of bitwise OR

// of all pairs

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Returns value of "arr[0] | arr[1] + arr[0] | arr[2] +

// ... arr[i] | arr[j] + ..... arr[n-2] | arr[n-1]"

int pairORSum( int arr[], int n)


int ans = 0; // Initialize result

// Traverse over all bits

for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++)


// Count number of elements with i'th bit set

int k1 = 0; // Initialize the count

// Count number of elements with i’th bit not-set(ie., 0) `

int k0 = 0; // Initialize the count

for ( int j = 0; j < n; j++){

if ( (arr[j] & (1 << i)) )




// There are k1 set bits, means k1(k1-1)/2 pairs. k1C2
// There are k0 not-set bits, so total pairs will be k1*k0.

// Every pair adds 2^i to the answer. Therefore,

ans = ans + (1<<i) * (k1*(k1-1)/2) +(1<<i)*(k1*k0) ;
ans %=MOD;


return ans;


// Driver program to test above function

int main()


int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5};

int n = sizeof (arr) / sizeof (arr[0]);

cout << pairORSum(arr, n) << endl;

return 0;


If any error in this programme or further explaination required then i will explain in best way :slight_smile:

brilliant work bro @ssrivastava990 you have simplified the solution a lot to understand easily appreciated.
but i am still struggling with these three lines :sweat_smile: hope if you can simplify that too :sweat_smile: so that one can easily grasp this concept via some sort of an example if possible thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Seems incorrect… you did the same mistake I did in solution just above you…
There will be k1*k1 + 2*k1*k0 pairs
Or n*n - k0*k0

How??? Because when I calculate by using brute force and above algorithm all test case give same answers.

Is output of {1,2} in your code 9 ?? As given in this post itself ?

Single 2 means the array size is 1 only ??

Nope 2 meaning all elements from 1 to 2

Nope because my program take pairs a(I), a(j) where I<j

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I had posted the divisor sieve for the CountAll question.