Bit Manipulation Course for beginners with practice problems(5 April 2020 : new video added)

This is going to be a complete video lecture series on Bit Manipulation covering concepts in details with implementation details and practice problems to make concepts clear and gain confidence.

Lectures (will keep updating)

L00 : Course Overview
L01 : Binary Left and Right Shift
L02 : Checking for ith Set Bit
L03 : Counting Number of Set Bits
L04 : XOR and it’s properties
L05 : All Pair Sum XOR
L06 : Total Sum of All Pair XOR

Here i will be updating the list of practice problems from different Online judges


E001 : Number of 1 Bits | LeetCode 191
E002 : Counting Bits | LeetCode 338
E003 : Power of 2 | LeetCode 231
E004 : XOR Queries on subarray | LeetCode 1310
E005 : Minimum Flips to make A OR B Equal C | LeetCode 1318
E006 : Single Number II | LeetCode 1137


E001 : Lonely Integer | Bit Manipulation
E002 : Sum VS XOR | Bit Manipulation


E001 : Subham and Binary String
E002 : Monk and the box of cookies

E001 : AND Operation (Medium)

Your suggestion / support is needed for this channel(CodeNCode) to grow.

Thank you for your valuable time.


@waqar_ahmad224 thanks a lot, u r doing a great job :slight_smile:

good series

I really appreciate the videos and I’m really happy with the practise problems.
It would be nice if for every topic you cover you recommend 10-15 problems of increasing difficulty on that topic covering various sub techniques :slight_smile:


Thanks man.

yes that would be good!

I am currently running out of time , if i get time i will add a “suggested practice problems” section in this post , thanks for advice btw.

No problem man :slight_smile:
Keep up the good stuff!

28 March : 1 New video added.
L05 : All Pair Sum XOR

29 March 2020 : 1 video added
L06 : Total Sum of All Pair XOR

30 March 2020 : New video added
E001 : AND Operation (Medium)

5 April 2020 : 1 New Video Added
E006 : Single Number II | LeetCode 1137

In lecture 6: Total Sum of all Pair XOR --the complexity of first for loop is logN.
can any one explain…