Facing the same issue CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone.

Same solution. Replace endl

@sastava007 i have used memoization approach and got tle because of endl.

Yes I’ll remeber about it now.

I’ll try submitting it again, once it moves to practice section.

TLE is because of using endl. Replace endl with ‘\n’

When will the ratings get updated?

Have some patience bro, it’d be updated soon

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I am not doing for every test case. Check my solution one more time.

Problems are avalilable for practice now.

Shit i got the logic that ans will be 1! * 2!*3! upto n factorial but i can’t optimize like yours . Thanks

i just make pattern means for 1 ans will 1 for 2 ans will 2 for 3 ans will 12 and so on uptill 4
now search the series on OEIS (google it) and find that it will series of product of n factorial.

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When will you guys post the editorial? BTW nice problems!

Most of the editorials are out.

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Really ? Does using register make that much significant difference ?

Yeah i’ve read it in steven halim text book

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