CHEFDIV - Editorial

Sorry I meant C++ multiset.

@dpraveen (1 + 1) * (3 + 1) = 8. Its written 4.

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You can solve it even without using priority queue. Use array[] to store count of exponent and traverse from Right to Left to pick maximum exponent.

Same here. :slight_smile:

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This approach is not correct as a sample when given test case is 1 50 answer should be 383 and in the approach u mentioned we will get 380

NO ,the answer is coming 383
here is link to my code with above mentioned approach

If a number can be written in terms of prime factors as-

18 (let)= 2^p x 3^q …

Then number of factors = (p+1)(q+1)

Here 18 = 2 x 3^2

So this makes number of factors as 6. Thats just another reasoning why 9 isnt the answer.

participate in discuss and reputation points will come across easily. :slight_smile:

The tester’s code is praiseworthy. Simple, compact and easily understandable! Whosoever wrote it did an excellent job!!

Cool Well Explained !!