CHEFLKJ - Editorial

@rishivikram Find the middle element of the sorted segment [l, r]. If there is a dominator this middle element has to be that dominator. Finding kth element could be done in (logn)^3 time in subarray with updates. Then count how many times this element appears in the array [l,r] This could be done in (logn)^2

@vsp4 Kth element in sorted segment can be found in O((logN)^2) by merge sort tree. I don’t know how to handle updates though, how do you find it in O((logN)^3) when updates are there as well?

This was my solution too.

Can anybody tell me how to define structure of segment treee such that i have an array of occurences of variable length in c.
Also plz tell me how to define map in c.

For updates, erase the old element from each of the logn segments where the given index occurs and add the new element. It takes (logn)^2 time with a bst at each node of segment tree.

I also don’t know how to do updates with merge sort tree online. However i think a offline approach is possible by creating the tree with all possible values initially and erasing/inserting positions at old/new values respectively.

I tried with approach similar to merge sort tree: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone But again got TLE with both operations on (log (n + q))^2. The order statistics bst seems to have very high constant!!!

It passes only if i distinct b/w heavy and light elements: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone