CHEFPSA - Editorial

waiting for ENGLISH :heart_eyes: editorial


With only this question in mind i performed binary search to get pairs. :cry:

Totally agreed. Excellent problem @rishup_nitdgp

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I deleted the post as I thought is irrelevant. :joy:

Can someone also explain the modular arithmetic in this question. I did exact same thing but only 20 points, rest were showing SIGFPE error, and that is due to division or mod by 0 or integer overflow.
Here’s my solution

Can someone explain why am i getting TLE for similar approach.

Yuuup, the SIGFPE is being caused by a division by 0 @line 61 of your solution.

You may go through my submission for CHEFPSA here and at the top you’ll find a link to a cute article explaining the precomputation part of the modular arithmetic involved in this problem.

I hope it becomes clearer when you see how I incorporated that in my code. :slight_smile:

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Can any one help me my code passing only some of the test cases
I used two pointers approach to find pairs similar to the editorial

check “modular division blogarithms” you will get the proof of fermats theorem also

\LARGE {\color{green}BEST }\space {\color{blue} EDITORIAL } ever I seen :heart_eyes:


Thanks a lot for the great editorial !

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Best editorial till date I have read!! Thanks

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I’m trying to submit my code in PRACTICE for CHEFPSA and I’m getting:
“Status: Error Message: No such contest exists, recheck the contest code and try again”
anyone else getting the same error??

Can someone tell - how you arrived at:
Number of arrangements of pre[] & suf[] == possible number of arrangements in original array.

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import java.util.*;
class Program
static long mod = 1000000009;
static long power(long a , long n)
long res = 1;
if((n & 1)>0)
res = (res * a) % mod;

	    n >>= 1;
	    a = (a * a) % mod;
return res;
public static void main(String[] args) {
	Scanner s = new Scanner(;
	int t = s.nextInt();
	long[] fact = new long[100001];
	fact[0]= 1;
	for(int i=1;i<100001;i++){
	    fact[i] = ((fact[i-1]%mod)*i)%mod;
	    int n = s.nextInt();
	    int[] arr = new int[2*n];
	    long sum =0;
	    HashMap<Integer,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
	    for(int i=0;i<2*n;i++){
	        arr[i] = s.nextInt();
	        sum+= arr[i];
	    int sumF  = (int)sum/(n+1);
	    int temp  = map.containsKey(sumF)==true?map.get(sumF):0;
	    if(sum%(n+1)!=0 || temp==0 || temp<2){
	    long res = fact[n-1];
	    for(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> entry: map.entrySet()){
	        int key = entry.getKey();
	        int value = entry.getValue();
	        temp  = map.containsKey(sumF-key)==true?map.get(sumF-key):0;
	        if(temp==0 || key*2!=sumF && value!=temp  || (sumF==key*2 && value%2!=0)){
	            res = (res * power(fact[value/2],mod-2))%mod;
	            res = (res * power(fact[value],mod-2))%mod;
	            res = (res* power(2,fact[value]))%mod;

What is wrong with this code ? Only a few submissions in java were right during the long challenge too. (getting tle in most of 2nd subtasks)

Try submitting it in non-ide mode

Hello Chefs, Will you please help me with corner TCs, I am getting WA for Sub task 2.

it should be the number of pairs for which first and second number are same

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I was getting TLE with my code during the contest, just now i took my TLE code and substituted \n instead of endl, and it passed. I knew that \n is better than endl, but i cant seem to understand that how changing endl to \n reduces the time from 1.01 to 0.28 !!

Is endl that bad, please enlighten
Passed submission
TLE submission

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Exact same issue.
I just removed vectors and endl and it got accepted.

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