CHEFQUE - Editorial

"We know they lie between 0 and 2^32−1, i.e., they can be represented by 31 bits."

how its 31 bits…i think it can be a 32 bits integer,because after mod we can get max value of 2^32-1,which is a 32 bits integer.
pliz help @mgch


None of the sample solutions are opening…

Plz someone help me in this. I am unable to run this code. As O(10^8) memory can be allocated but this is O(10^10), though I know bitset takes 1/8 of actual memory but still order becomes O(10^9) still memory exhaustion remains.
However this code got accepted so plz help me in this.

@anonymous_b0y vector < bool > <-> bitset in C++ in terms of memory, vector < bool > v(N) use N / 8 bytes. Refer @mgch previous comments

Got AC … :slight_smile:

Can anyone please explain how to optimize this.Im getting TLE.

using namespace std;

int main() {
	// your code goes here
	int t;
	std::cin >> t;
	long long mod=4294967296;
	    int q,s1,a,b;
	    bitset<1000000002> bt;
	   // cout<<"created bitset "<<"\n";
	    long long prev=s1,num=0;
	    long long ans=0;
	             bt[num]= (bt[num] | 1);
	             bt[num]  = (bt[num] & 0);
	    string s=bt.to_string();
	    for(int i=1000000001;i>0;i--){
	return 0;

While Calculating si=(si-1*a+b)mod2*32.We can get overflow in (si-1*a) as well right.Also not able to understand here how compiler handles overflow.can you please explain it