Yeah Sure, basically those line are just including the order statistic tree/ordered set, you can check this it out in case you are not much familar with it

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I have applied binary search too, but not getting the answer.
please have a look.

thank you!!

this might help:CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

        auto ind = lower_bound(a.begin(),a.end(),val)-a.begin();

does this work same way as the ordered_set

That would not matterā€¦ for N walls a.size. If the last coordinate after the last wall lowerbound will return size+1. (here size =N-1) so the answer would stay correct.

itā€™s matterā€¦because if pos==n then a[pos] will throw run time error.
here is the link of your AC submission using vector. CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

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Yeah I just saw what a horrible coincidence is causing the WA. my lowerbound isnā€™t returning incorrectly but rather the values at that position are matching up which is returning -1

a,end() is causing the mess up

Yeah itā€™s O(n).

Right there is a run-time error which is being displayed as WAā€¦

Doesnā€™t codechef have anything to display run-time error? There is SIGSEV and SIGFTPā€¦

I can see a RE tag mentioned in the FAQ but I donā€™t knowā€¦

Ya it should ,
this thing messed my whole contest.

Two exactly same code.

  1. CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
  2. CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

1st got WA but 2nd got AC. How is this possible?

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I used lower bound and similar solution was uploaded by someone else and i was getting WA but the other solution got AC, can you please help me figure out the difference.

Inside the testcases loop-
// ll is long long.
ll n, i, x;
cin >> n;
vector a;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> x;
ll q;
cin >> q;
for (i = 0; i < q; i++)
ll p, z;
cin >> p >> z;
p += z;
vector::iterator lower;
lower = lower_bound (a.begin(), a.end(), p);
ll cv = lower - a.begin();
if (a[cv] == p)
cout << ā€œ-1ā€ << endl;
cout << cv << endl;


Other Soln-
long long int n;
long long int q[n];
for(long long int i=0;i<n;i++)
long long int t;
long long int x,y;
long long int s=x+y;
long long int d = lower_bound(q, q+n, s)-q;

I also faced the same issue, I tried both lowerbound as well as Binary search but was getting WA and a very similar soln was accepted

Can you please explain how you solved it with PBDS? I solved it with binary search.

I have used two approach and i think both are correct and same but the first one got WA while the latter one got AC. Here are the links:-

  1. wrong code- CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
  2. correct code -
    CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
    Can someone explain why its happening so?

This should not get accepted because lower bound can give n as return value but max array index is n-1 and in the next if statement you are trying to access that element. Which should give runtime error.

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Line 27

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The same case is withā€¦ exactly the same approachā€¦ one got WA other got AC

ohh right, Thankyou for helping me, btw this means that both solns shoud not get accepted right??