CNOTE - Editorial

my python code

for _ in range(t):

x,y,k,n=[int(a) for a in input().split()]



for l in range(n):

    p,c=[int(a) for a in input().split()]

    if p>=want and c<=k:



for i in range(a):
for j in range(n):

if y+p>x & k>=c:
How is this even wrong it works in Run section but not in submit did I forgot something?

Your code can print “LuckyChef” and “UnluckyChef” multiple times for a particular i (i.e test case). But we are required to output either “LuckyChef” or “UnluckyChef” (exactly one of them) once for each test case.

So, correct logic would be to maintain a flag fl := 0 which is handled as follows:

if (y + p >= x and  k >= c) : 
    fl = 1

After processing all the (p_i, c_i)'s we can print based on fl.

I don’t know why my implement doesnt work, any suggestion, thank yoiu :frowning:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Codechef
	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
	    Codechef.FastIO io = new Codechef().new FastIO();
		int tc = io.nextInt();
		for(int tce=0;tce<tc; tce++){
		    int x = io.nextInt();
		    int y = io.nextInt();
		    int k = io.nextInt();
		    int n = io.nextInt();
		    boolean found = false;
		    for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){
    		    int pi = io.nextInt();
    		    int ci = io.nextInt();
                if (pi >= x - y && ci <= k) {
                    found = true;
            System.out.println(found ? "LuckyChef" : "UnluckyChef");
	class FastIO extends PrintWriter {
    	private InputStream stream;
    	private byte[] buf = new byte[1 << 16];
    	private int curChar;
    	private int numChars;
    	// standard input
    	public FastIO() { this(, System.out); }
    	public FastIO(InputStream i, OutputStream o) {
    		stream = i;
    	// file input
    	public FastIO(String i, String o) throws IOException {
    		super(new FileWriter(o));
    		stream = new FileInputStream(i);
    	// throws InputMismatchException() if previously detected end of file
    	private int nextByte() {
    		if (numChars == -1) {
    			throw new InputMismatchException();
    		if (curChar >= numChars) {
    			curChar = 0;
    			try {
    				numChars =;
    			} catch (IOException e) {
    				throw new InputMismatchException();
    			if (numChars == -1) {
    				return -1;  // end of file
    		return buf[curChar++];
    	// to read in entire lines, replace c <= ' '
    	// with a function that checks whether c is a line break
    	public String next() {
    		int c;
    		do {
    			c = nextByte();
    		} while (c <= ' ');
    		StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
    		do {
    			c = nextByte();
    		} while (c > ' ');
    		return res.toString();
    	public int nextInt() {  // nextLong() would be implemented similarly
    		int c;
    		do {
    			c = nextByte();
    		} while (c <= ' ');
    		int sgn = 1;
    		if (c == '-') {
    			sgn = -1;
    			c = nextByte();
    		int res = 0;
    		do {
    			if (c < '0' || c > '9') {
    				throw new InputMismatchException();
    			res = 10 * res + c - '0';
    			c = nextByte();
    		} while (c > ' ');
    		return res * sgn;
    	public double nextDouble() { return Double.parseDouble(next()); }