Codechef Internship Test

Can someone make an editorial for the last 3 problems Please!

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The last 3 questions are standard one:

  • 3rd is just mutisource BFS.
  • 4th is finding LCA using Binary lifting. Practice problem
  • 5th one is finding the diameter of a tree.

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

Here you go,

Just store at each node the sum from root assume root as 1 to this node lets say it x.

this can be done easily as only one path exist between root and x. Now you have sum from 1 to x . stored at x

Lets say a query comes to find sum between u and v. lets say the lowest common ancestor better known as LCA of the 2 nodes is x. then answer is sum[u]+sum[v]-sum[x] as see x occurs in both the paths of u and v from root 1.

Finding LCA can be done with Euler tour and segment trees in same time and space complexity !

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when will results come?

May be a good problem for you to practice FACTRE


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433/500 :pensive: couldn’t debug D. Still can’t find the bug. used binary lifting.
Can anyone help debug- UJ8QuW - Online C++0x Compiler & Debugging Tool -

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You might want to read this .

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Most of them solved all.

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There’s an edge case when both nodes lie in same path

Nope there isn’t

@admin can you please move the problems to Practise section.

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Can anyone send in some source which explains calculating diameter of a graph.

I also solve all .