CodeChef Rating Predictor using Python3

We do need help for a lot of things actually. We are now working on getting the ratings and volatility of users faster. Then we need to work on getting the entire system hosted. Then I guess we have to work on scheduling.

Also there are lot of inaccuracies in the predictions. I think this is due to users with zero accepted solutions who are not in rank-list but are accounted for during rating calculations.

We need a fast method to get such users who are not in the rank-list.
For Example the first problem had a accuracy of 20% I guess for COOK144A. So many users had zero accepted solutions. And therefore the error become significant for users who had ranks above 40-50.


Getting this error on running
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “D:\codechef_rating_v0-master\”, line 11, in
R = RankListParser(contest)
File “D:\codechef_rating_v0-master\”, line 17, in init
page_bar = center.find(‘div’, class_=“paginationbox”)
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘find’

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What contest ID did u use?


For Those Interested I Generated A Predicted Rating Sheet just now (based on the predictor above), There might be some errors (due to users with zero accepted solution) but you guys can get an idea.

Here is the link to spreadsheet


Great work! It’s pretty rad xD
Is there some way to update the sheet?

Not at the moment, waiting for @noob77777 for further updates regarding this


Do people with lower ratings not get larger increases? Because the delta is decreasing for all ranks.

Yeah, i noticed that as well… however i didn’t make this predictor. So I can’t say about the maths behind it’s calculation

this sheet doesn’t contain info of all the users participating na !? … cause i am not able to find my name in the list

The list is for Div.1.
You belong to Div.2.


I belong to Division 1 but can’t find my name.

I think this is still in developing stage so there might be a bug.


Oh okay.

Yeah, probably. There’s a known issue when people who have submitted solution but none got AC are not detected by parser as they don’t show up on leaderboard. But i guessed that in long challenges almost everyone can get some solution AC (even partial) and show up on leaderboard.

Anyways, hope for this to get better till next LC

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Is it working for current ongoing long challenge? Because it is showing Network Error from RankListParser.

It parsed some pages. After that it’s showing network error from RanklistParser repeatedly.

Now it’s showing nonetype object has no attribute ‘find’.

Had to replace the cache files with the original ones to fix the nonetype error.