Codechef rating

Why my CodeChef rating is increased? Is there some kind of error?


It happened with me too , my guess is they are recalculating our ratings after removing cheaters .

Ratings are being recalculated from SNCKPE21 (Nov 2021) for all users, after the ranklists are recalculated to have cheaters at the bottom.
We will announce once the entire process is over.


Sounds good !

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I don’t really feel this is the best decision because… its going to be like awarding div 2 coders rating for participating in div 3 contests (thus making them overrated). This might lead to a sudden fall of rating for many… because there is quite the difference betweeen each div. I feel a better decision would be to consider the new rating system for forthcoming contests only… however, if ya’ll have taken this decision… ya’ll must have considered all the points… so i support what’s done…


Well, the rating on my profile is still the same, but according to the last contest’s ranks(which is changed now), it shows a different rank and on the other hand I saw my rating from top rated users and found out that I’m a 4 star now. I think they are making a series of changes which is for good, but its a chaos right now lol.

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The only point that doesn’t make sense is how div 2 rated contests contribute to a change in rating in div 1…contests like starters.
Instead try adopting the method of applying a plag check after every contest rather than doing it all together for bunch of months.It just makes things unreasonable and messy.


Sorry to tag, but don’t you think that the rating change is pretty random, now my profile shows I am 6 star from a div2 contest in which my rating is that of div1 user


Not sure what you mean. This is not a new rating system. This is the same old rating system, just recalculated after penalizing the cheaters. So you don’t have cheaters at the top of the ranklist anymore, leaching away rating points from non-cheaters.

The new rating system (Elo-MMR ratings go live on CodeChef!) is not live yet. It’ll be live only after tomorrow’s contest, and that does not retroactively change the ratings like has been done here.

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Not sure what you mean by this. Can you link the profile and explain the issue more?

Our plagiarism checks and the appeals phase takes a long time, and it is not feasible to do it before the next contest starts. But we will be doing this recalculation a lot more frequently going forward.

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Such superficial contradictions are inevitable in any rating recalculation which happens after another contest has started. But your ratings are calculated only against the users whom you actually participated against (so in that contest - it’s against the Div2 users), taking into account your abnormally high starting rating for that Div-2 contest (hence you would have to even better in the Div2 contest to get a rating increase).

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My rating is same as earlier but my country rank has suddenly doubled(from ~500 to 942). Any explanation for this? @admin

Because ratings of some of the users has increased

Maybe consider my id itself,it shows all the rated contests and I’d become 5star after a starters,now somehow that starters shows up in div 1 completely contradicting the fact that starters are rated only for Div2,div3 and Div4

Moreover the fact that you’ve outdone certain x number of people in div 2 doesn’t mean you’ve outdone same number of people in div 1 right?.
Div 1 has a lot better coders and thus making it tough and “Div 1”.Somehow the rating changes don’t seem to be following this.Its just typically taking into consideration the rank after cheaters are down and somehow the rating is changed with respect to their div when they’d given the contest irrespective of whether their rating now lies in Div2 or div1


cheater have deflated the rating a lot. Creating new accounts, starting from 0, taking rating from others by winning and then dropping their account when found.

Removing them removes the deflation. So people having 100-200 rating more if they participated in the past month is normal. I understand that reaching Div1 is a lot easier than staying in Div1. Staying in Div1 is extremely hard. But maybe it was made harder by having cheaters? Maybe without cheaters more people would have reached Div1? That means it would have been easier to stay in Div1 because there would have been more people that struggle there.

The rating changes yesterday and the complete overhaul today will throw stuff around. But I think that is necessary for codechef to make it more balanced in the future.


Such contradictions are inevitable in any rating recalculation which happens after another contest has started. But it is not as bad as you might think — your ratings are calculated only against the users whom you actually participated against (so in those contests — it’s against the Div2 users), taking into account your abnormally high starting rating for those Div-2 contest (hence you would have to perform even better in the Div-2 contest to get a rating increase). The main unfair advantage that you got was that you got to participate in a couple more Div-2 rated contests.


Just an advice, there should be a cap of <=100 in increase of peak rating(after recalculation) otherwise it looks very inflated


well, the rating on my Profile is still the same.