CODECRCK - Editorial

I know I should ask this as a question, but I do not have enough karma points, so I’m commenting it here.

I want to know how does codechef detect plagiarism as the following three codes from the SEPT15 long challenge seem exactly same to me:

problem CODECRCK:

In the above three codes, one thing that is to be noted is, the first one seemed manipulative to submit the solution the PYPY instead of PYTH. The second and third codes were detected by the scanner and the first one was not as the ratings of these users suggest.

So, my question is don’t they consider laguages/ implementation with same syntax may have plagiarised codes, or it is just a mistake?

My second question is regarding these two codes, in which there is just one difference of variable name, and everything else is exactly the same:

What may be possible reason these codes got undetected? Isn’t it a setback for those who try real hard for 10 days and these people go undetected by their manipulations.

Codechef, please consider these maipulations too, this is really serious!!

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for that you need to modify your equations in such a way that the value of 2^k calculated at any point of time remains computable…means k should be choosed in such a way that it is always <=2000, means u cannot perform something like 2^5000/2^3000…This was the catch of the question.

this way of writing (a<<p) will not work if p>64…and who marked this as community wiki!!!

so what’s the correct way ?

Did you do it by writing the recurrence in matriceal form?

change the ints into long long and it will work.

by taking log to base 2

change p k and s to long long :smiley:

there is a line where you have not put brackets. it should be (i-k)%2 not i-k%2

thanks a lot

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