Codersbit problem discussion

Now codersbit is over… I want to upsolve a problem of that contest
Problem statement: Given an array of size n and an integer B. We have to choose those elements from its subsequence such that:
For eg if chosen subsequence is A1,A2,A3,A4
Then gcd(A1,A2)+gcd(A3,A4) should be maximum possible and length of subsequence should be less than equal to 2*B and should be even.

How to approach this problem… Pls help


I solved that problem using Dynamic Programming dp[N][B]. dp[I][J] stores the maximum sum we can make taking j pairs i.e 2j elements till jth index. The Complexity of that Approach is BN*N.
First Initialize the DP table with 0.
Then Fill the base condition of B=1
mx = 0;
dp[1][i] = max( dp[1][i], gcd(A[i],A[j]) );
mx=max(mx,dp[1][i]); // maximizing the ith position by taking max from previous indexes
dp[1][i] = mx;

Then filling our DP table
mx = 0;
dp[k][i] = max( dp[k][i], dp[k-1][j-1] + gcd( A[i], A[j]) );
mx = max(mx,dp[k][i];
dp[k][i] = mx;

Now for each k we have our answer is stored in dp[k][n-1]
Now the problem was that we can choose any subsequence of even length less than 2*B
So return the max of k in range 1 to B dp[k][n-1]


what dp[i][j] will store

I solved it using top down approach .

long long int dp[501][501]={-1};

long long int solve(vector < int > &a, int i , int rem)
//If no elements are remaining in array or you can`t add any elements further return 0;
if(i<0 || rem<=0)
return 0;

// this case handles when you are at first element .It should return zero because you can`t take any element before it to pair with .
return 0;
else if(dp[i][rem]!=-1)
return dp[i][rem];
// trying every pair (i,j) where j= i-1 to 0 and recursing with j-1 to 0 .
for(int j=i-1;j>=0;j–)
dp[i][rem]=max(dp[i][rem],solve(a,i-1,rem)); // This is handling case when you are ignoring element at ith index .
return dp[i][rem];

Here rem is denoting number of elements that can still be inserted if we are at index i .

So initially we are at index n-1 (0 based indexing ) and elements that can be inserted are 2 * B .

so ans will be solve(a,n-1,2 * B);


Did it somewhat the same way, built a recursive function and just stored result if not calculated

loved your solution @anon61063586


Can anyone provide some test cases for the same

Thanks @akshat_165 !

@anon61063586:do you remember any test cases