DDIMMST - Editorial

NO , i think i unable to clearify it,
it is O(N)
coz i find the max distance by generating the different dimension 2^d ,
i found in a problem from SPOJ named DISTANCE manhattan

I read it multiple times but after he mentions about mask I cannot understand the part after that

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i used this method. Just search for the delaunay triangulation method code and triangulate your graph. basically your edges will reduce from n*(n-1)//2 to 3*n, and then use any spanning tree algorithm

For my case i used Kruskal and obviously after the contest
also make sure to change the dist method in triangulation from euclidean to manhattan
(I didn;t do it and hence had a bug in my code)

yeah, but the caveat is that research is going for d>=3 for euclidean type distances. manhattan would be not affected i guess

considering the constraints for subtask 1, n=5000 which kruskals runs via kruskals in ElogV where E=n(n-1)/2 and that makes it nearly (n^2)logn which is fine for n=5000 but considering n=200000 we get way huge number of operations, than permitted by online compiler available, considering online compiler executes 10^8 oper./sec and since 3 second is alloted time, total operations needed = 310^8 but we get nearly ((210^5)^2)log(2*10^5) via kruskals/prims, therefore we have to neglect edges not in use, to reduce number of operations

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Yes of course, was specifically talking about Euclidean delaunay’s traingulation

But I don’t understand why the link to there uses fenwick tree in the implementation. Can you explain that?

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Can you share any solution link based on delaunay triangulation approach ?

In order to find the closest and the farthest nodes or points can i use distance from origin as a parameter??
If no why is it wrong?

Let us assume 3 points in a 2-D plane
A(4,7) B(5,7) C(6,6)
Now let us divide your algo in 2 parts
Your algo ( ALGO-1 ) will sort them on the basis of Euclidean Distance .
A(dist from origin = sqrt(65))
C(dist from origin = sqrt(72))
B(dist from origin = sqrt(74))
And now your algo ( ALGO-2 ) will connect the points which are farthest …
So the connections will be like this …
A-B-C edge weights = |4-5| + |7-7| + |5-6| + |7-6| = 3 ( Manhattan Distance )
But actual answer is 5 when the connections are as follows
A-C-B edge weights = |4-6| + |7-6| + |5-6| + |7-6| = 5 ( Manhattan Distance )

ALGO-1 of your solutions is based on Euclidean Distance
ALGO-2 of your solutions is based on Manhattan Distance
So, Euclidean Distance & Manhattan Distance are very different from each other. And cannot be used together.
Since this problem is based on Manhattan Distance ALGO-1 can’t be used to Sort the points.

Damm Dude You really inspired me today

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I didn’t get it too, I just used simple math instead. But i think it was to find the max and min of every set like every time they were making a segment tree or fenwick tree for array and using it to find max and min in log(n) time.

Found this link: Link

In all the above links instead of building an array and sorting it they are just making a fenwick tree, updating the sum in the tree and using it to find minimum.

It will take same time tho i guess: n queries and logn for each query.

Can anyone help me debug my code? 2/3 test cases of subtask-1 pass and 1/3 of subtask-2 pass.

import inspect

Infinity = float('inf')

def integer_array_input():
    return MyList(map(int, input().split()))

def integer_input():
    return int(input())

def test_case_count():
    return range(integer_input())

class This:
    def __init__(self):
        self.max = self.min = self.sum = self.count = None
        self.set = set()
        self.map = dict()

    def update_if_max(self, *values):
        self.max = max(self.max, *values)

    def update_if_min(self, *values):
        self.min = min(self.min, *values)

    def reset(self):
        self.min = Infinity
        self.max = -Infinity
        self.sum = 0
        self.count = 0

class MyList(list):
    def length(self):
        return len(self)

    def is_empty(self):
        return not self

    def first(self):
        return self[0]

    def last(self):
        return self[-1]

    def is_sorted(self, key=lambda x: x):
        for i in range(len(self) - 1):
            if key(self[i]) > key(self[i + 1]):
                return False
        return True

    def push(self, element):
        return self.append(element)

    def for_each(self, callback):
        if not callable(callback):
            raise ValueError(f'Expected a function, got {callback} instead.')
        arg_count = len(inspect.getfullargspec(callback).args)
        for i, item in enumerate(self):
            arguments = []
            if arg_count >= 1:
            if arg_count >= 2:

    def map(self, callback):
        if not callable(callback):
            raise ValueError(f'Expected a function, got {callback} instead.')
        return MyList(map(callback, self))

    # Initialize n-dimensional list with
    # result of a lambda or just a value
    def of(cls, size, value):
        if not isinstance(size, list):
            raise ValueError('Expected size to be a list of dimensions.')
        if len(size) == 0:
            raise ValueError('Size cannot be empty.')
        invalid_sizes_type = list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x, int), size))
        if len(invalid_sizes_type) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Sizes should be integers.')
        invalid_sizes_value = list(filter(lambda x: x <= 0, size))
        if len(invalid_sizes_value) > 0:
            raise ValueError('Sizes should be positive.')
        return MyList._of(size[::-1], value)

    def _of(cls, size, value):
        if len(size) == 1:
                return MyList(value() for _ in range(size[0]))
            except TypeError:
                return MyList(value for _ in range(size[0]))
            count = size.pop()
            return MyList(
                MyList._of(size[:], value) for _ in range(count)

    # overriding so that MyList is returned instead of list
    def copy(self):
        return MyList(list.copy(self))

    # overriding so that MyList is returned instead of list
    def __add__(self, other):
        return MyList(list.__add__(self, other))

    # overriding so that MyList is returned instead of list
    def __mul__(self, other):
        return MyList(list.__mul__(self, other))

class Edge:
    def __init__(self, nodes, i1, i2):
        self.i1 = i1
        self.i2 = i2
        self.weight = float('inf')

    def find_weight(self, nodes):
        node_1 = nodes[self.i1]
        node_2 = nodes[self.i2]
        weight = 0
        for p1, p2 in zip(node_1, node_2):
            weight += abs(p1 - p2)
        self.weight = weight

def get_required_edges(d, points):
    required_edges = MyList()

    for i in range(pow(2, d - 1) + 1):
        mask_edge_weights = MyList()
        for index, point in enumerate(points):
            mask = ('00000' + bin(i)[2:])[-5:]
            this = This()
            for bit, p in zip(mask, point):
                if bit == '1':
                    this.sum += p
                    this.sum -= p
            mask_edge_weights.push((this.sum, index))

        min_index = min(mask_edge_weights, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]
        max_index = max(mask_edge_weights, key=lambda x: x[0])[1]

        for index, point in enumerate(points):
            edge_1 = Edge(points, min_index, index)
            edge_2 = Edge(points, max_index, index)

    return required_edges

def disjoint_set_union__get(index, parents):
    if index == parents[index]:
        return index
    parents[index] = disjoint_set_union__get(parents[index], parents)
    return parents[index]

def disjoint_set_union__union(i1, i2, parents):
    p1 = disjoint_set_union__get(i1, parents)
    p2 = disjoint_set_union__get(i2, parents)

    if p1 == p2:
        return False

    parents[p2] = p1
    return True

def kruskal_maximum_spanning_tree(points, edges):
    edges.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.weight)
    parents = MyList(range(len(points)))

    total_weight = 0
    for edge in edges:
        if edge.i1 == edge.i2:
        if disjoint_set_union__union(edge.i1, edge.i2, parents):
            total_weight += edge.weight


def solve(d, points):
    required_edges = get_required_edges(d, points)
    kruskal_maximum_spanning_tree(points, required_edges)

def main():
    n, d = integer_array_input()
    points = MyList()
    for _ in range(n):
        point = integer_array_input()
    solve(d, points)


Hey guys I have figured out the concept of the logic and have applied the same after a lot of efforts.

  1. I found the edges and stored them into a priority queue.
  2. Then I am applying Kruskal’s Algorithm on my priority queue.

All is going good but the last and only test case is giving me TLE.

Link: My submission

I am not able to understand why. Only 1 case giving TLE and other time is low. It’s confusing me as hell. Please help. Any insight would be great. According to me the time complexity of the Kruskal, as I implemented, is O ( E l o g V ).

Can someone please take a little bit of time to make me understand this. I am noobie and as always thank you everyone for forming this amazing community.


I tried to study delaunay triangulation too, but it had many pre requisites and other concepts to be learnt, so I thought 10pts are enough now.

I struggled with this problem too, so take this with a grain of salt. When I looked at your code, your disjoint set (parent/findParent) looks strange. Specifically the two lines like parent[p1] += parent[p2]. Compare that to the Setter’s get and uni functions.

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trying to solve this problem from last 3 days but not able understand anything from this editorial.
can anyone explain in simple word of this editorial.

Sorry to say but this editorial is a complete piece of shit.


what to do bro how to solve this problem ?