Double Burgers Editorial - May-CookOff 2021 , BURGER
Where am I wromg?

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Hey @ssrivastava990 … can you help me identify the mistake in my code ?

I used the same logic that we take the closest possible burgers we can eat less than y, and subtract it from y and repeat. Idk which TC is this wrong for

Thanks I got it. I did not see that all the pairs will be different

@cp_guy @vruttant1403

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If you check my solution , I have made sure that 1 streak will be used only once. for X=2,Y=12 im getting -1.

Looks nice, my approach was a bit different. Assuming that answer is k and streaks are of length a_1, a_2,..,a_k, we eat: \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} X \times (2^{a_i} - 1) burgers in a time of (k - 1 + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} a_i).
So we must have \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} X \times (2^{a_i} - 1) = Y. Therefore Y\%X == 0. Next \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} 2^{a_i} = k + Y/X. Therefore the condition is that number of set bits in (Y/X + k) should be exactly k. Also k \leq 61. So iterate on k and we can find the time and values of a_i.

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How to prove this solution ? So you are saying we should subtract as much as possible ?

Yup correct .

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Ok so greedy solution here. But i still cannot figure out why this way will be optimal . Could you help here ?

I converted it into a minimizing coin problem (With the condition that you can use one coin only once) and solved it

One way we can prove is that we will repeat the length of streaks if we don’t take the biggest one. Hmm understood. Thanks

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U got it :+1

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hey can you help me tell what is wrong in my approach

Nope u did completely wrong , check editorial .

where i can find it? i am new here

CSUBS - Editorial

@ssrivastava990 Why my code gives Wa I have precomputed all possible sums for burgers then I have check if we could break into two parts then took minimum. CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

I think the problem can be taken in analogy as greedy version of coin change problem cause
taking the larger step will automatically cover smaller ones with less number of steps

Your code give TLE too .

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