ENCODING - Editorial

Oh i see, thanks btw

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Can anyone explain or send links about these lines and this #pragma … I read about this on the net but I’m not finding any hard data

Its related to some compiler optimizations.

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does it become fast ?

Instead of answering that, I’d tell you that a codeforces blog tells all details about this :wink:

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Okay Thanks @vijju123, i will try to identify the states::thinking:

for ease. Easy to replace int with typdef int long long int.

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@vijju123 tell me please :slight_smile:

Well, I wanted you to google it yourself to get it, but here you go-

There was also a pretty nice explanation as comment by MrDindows but I cannot find it atm.

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thanks for answering all my questions :wink: :+1:

I can’t understand the line equal_next=(equal & next_digit>vec[idx]), shouldn’t it be (equal & digit>vec[idx])?

We are seeing if after placing next digit what is the state of equal.

You said I can request for an unapproved editorial of CHGORAM and SYNBAC from you. How do I do that?

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Please upload CHGORAM, I’ve been searching for a plausible solution for over a week now, Or you could just submit your own code with few comments first, and later add an editorial. So we could think about the solution in the mean time

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There’s a Video Editorial for CHGORAM here:

and, though people are probably sick of me posting it by now, here’s my fully-documented submission (highly-commented code, plus high-level, Editorial-style overview). Not been proof-read :slight_smile:



Did you not take part in yesterday’s Cook-Off?

No, I’m a slow, slow old man and there’s no way I’d be able to compete with all you young whipper-snappers :slight_smile: Long Challenges only, for me!

2.5 hours for 5 questions? I’d spend longer than that agonizing over variable names XD


:smiley: but you seem to be a good problem solver, would have given us ‘young whipper-snappers’ a good competition. Anyway, I know you are one of the Competitive Programmers who writes very clean code, probably a habit you carried over from your experience as developer(saw your LinkedIn profile). So, you are an asset to the community. Nevertheless, see you in September Long and hitting 4 or higher star this time.


Thanks for the very kind words :slight_smile: I’m a very inconsistent problem solver - I’m quite often stumped for a long time over surprisingly simple things (coming from Hackerrank, it was a real eye-opener seeing what problems were classified as “Easy” here :)) - this is really not a good recipe for success with short challenges :slight_smile:

Anyway, while I’m here - I’d like to say how much I love the long-form format here - so much less stressful than Hackerrank, where in their equivalent (the “Week of Code”) you still only have one day to solve a challenge (if you want full marks on it), plus they have the “Additional Testcases” which just add to the pressure! I couldn’t believe it when I saw that you had a full 10 days to solve all the challenges here. It’s great :slight_smile:


Dont worry. I am taking my time to make sure that everyone who is searching for a plausible solution gets it at the editorial in first read.

Some things in it are…tricky to decide. I have a written version right now as well, but its not good enough and I am improving it to make it more user friendly. Watch out for my updates on invitation thread on when the unapproved one can be requested!