EXMV - Editorial

this seem to be the case with lot of recent challenges, that’s why I stopped participating

An alternative way to solve this, albeit slightly slower would be to notice that each E(n-i)=E(n)- b(i) where b(i) forms a recursive sequence given by b(i) = 2b(i - 1) - b(i - 2) + 2 with starting values b(0)=0 and b(1)=2. We know that E(1)=0. Thus, E(1) = E(n) - b(n - 1) = 0 which means E(n) = b(n - 1). Thus, E(x) = E(n) - b(n - x) = b(n - 1) - b(n - x).
Thus, our task is reduced to fast computation of values of the sequence b, which can be done using matrices in O(log(n)) time. We notice that,

[2   -1   2]   [  b(i)  ]     [b(i + 1)]
[1    0   0] x [b(i - 1)]  =  [   b(i) ] 
[0    0   1]   [   1    ]     [    1   ]

Let’s call the square matrix on the left M. Hence, we can compute b(i) for all i>1 by exponentiating this matrix (which would take O(log(n)) time) to the i-1 power and multiplying it by,

[ 1  ]

The total runtime now would be O(T log(n)) which is sufficient for the given bounds.
The implementation for this is given below.

how did you come up with b(i)?

how are the equations identical? where in the new array of equations [1, M=2*N]
E(M/2) = E(N) is only related to E(M/2-1)
and E(M/2+1) is only related to E(M/2+2)
where in the old set of equations, every i is related to i-1 and i+1 (expect i=1 and i=M),
I see that they are symmetrical but a don’t see how they are identical.

another pattern recognition solution:

initially we have:
	ex(1) = 0
	ex(i) = 0.5*(1+ex(i+1)) + 0.5*(1+ex(i-1))
	ex(n) = 0.5*(1+ex(n)) + 0.5*(1+ex(n-1))

ex(n) = 0.5*(1+ex(n)) + 0.5*(1+ex(n-1))
ex(n) = 0.5 + 0.5*ex(n) + 0.5 + 0.5*ex(n-1)
0.5*ex(n) = 1 + 0.5*ex(n-1)
=> ex(n) = 2 + ex(n-1)

we have:
ex(1) = 0
ex(2) = 1 + 0.5(ex(1) + ex(2))
 = 1 + 0.5*ex(3)
ex(3) = 1 + 0.5(ex(2) + ex(4))
 = 1 + 0.5*(1+0.5*ex(3)) + 0.5*ex(4)
 = 1 + 0.5 + 0.25*ex(3) + 0.5*ex(4)
 = (1/(1-0.25)) * (1.5 + 0.5*ex(4))
 = c + p*ex(4)
in general:
ex(i) = c0 + p0*ex(i+1)
ex(i+1) = c + p*ex(i+2)
 = 1 + 0.5(ex(i) + ex(i+2))
 = 1 + 0.5*ex(i) + 0.5*ex(i+2)
 = 1 + 0.5(c0+p0ex(i+1)) + 0.5*ex(i+2)
 = 1 + 0.5*c0 + 0.5*p0*ex(i+1) + 0.5*ex(i+2)
 = (1/(1-0.5*p0)) * (1+0.5*c0 + 0.5*ex(i+2))
 = (2/(2-p0)) * ((2+c0)/2 + 0.5*ex(i+2))
 = (2+c0)/(2-p0) + (1/(2-p0))*ex(i+2))
 = c + p*ex(i+2)
 c = (2+c0)/(2-p0)
 p = 1/(2-p0)

=> pattern found:
i -> (
	c_i = (i-1)
	p_i = (i-1)/i

=> ex(n-1) = (n-2) + (n-2)/(n-1) * ex(n)
 = c + p*ex(n)
we have:
ex(n) = 2 + ex(n-1)
 = 2 + (c + p*ex(n))
 = 1/(1-p) * (2+c)
 = (n-1)*n
=> ex(n) = (n-1)*n

// now we can calculate ex(n)
// and we need to find a way te calculate ex(x) from it

ex(n-1) = c + p*ex(n)
 c = n-2
 p = (n-2)/(n-1)

ex(n-2) = c + p*ex(n)
 c = 2*(n-3)
 p = (n-3)/(n-1)

ex(n-3) = c + p*ex(n)
 c = 3*(n-4)
 p = (n-4)/(n-1)

=> pattern found:
ex(x) = c + p * ex(n)
 c = d*(n-d-1)
 p = (n-d-1)/(n-1)
 where: d = n-x

ex(x) = c + p * ex(n)
 = c + p * (n*(n-1))
 = d*(n-d-1) + (n-d-1)/(n-1) * n*(n-1)
 = d*(n-d-1) + n * (n-d-1)
 = (n-d-1) * (n+d)
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