Facebook HackerCup 2020 - EDITORIAL (Unofficial)

Obviously I will advance lol. I just asked, if they are done with the formalities

I don’t think so yet. You can confirm them by sending a mail. But whatever they do, there can’t be full fairness.

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Question B boiled to such a simple logic that it very easy to overthink given that it is a Hacker up question.


My solution based on loops for the problem Travel Restrictions:

Official Editorial: Solutions | Meta Hacker Cup - 2020 - Qualification Round

C problem can be done by dfs, just connect all components and find the longest one
For n elements 2*n nodes will be made
Then we will connect all the nodes whose second is equal to first of another
A disconnected tree will be generated
Then we run dfs and find the longest connected interval
Correct me if I am wrong!


I haven’t follow your code in detail but is your “maxEndingHere” variable really pretending to store the max ending there? Because if I’m not wrong that’s not the case

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Can we solve D1 using DiJIsktra algorithm by taking m nodes as connected for every i (except which contains 0) and then after that see if the last element of distance array for answer. @carre

yes some kind of dijkstra was my approach to D2 and of course D1 is a particular case of D2

I tried with it test cases were passing but the final verdic was WA. So is there were any edge cases?
My code

I don’t remember to have dealt with special cases. Anyway you can stress your solution with random generated testcases and compare your output with the output obtained from an accepted solution

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It seems to be right. I am storing the maximum ending at a coordinate, if all the trees are cut to the left. So tree i would fall to the left, and end at p_i - h_i. The maximum possible length would be h_i + dp_{p_i}, where dp is the maxEndingHere variable.

I removed the inner while loop, and cleaned the code a bit. The runtime has not improved, and still WA. (On the same test cases I guess).

struct Tree {
	int p, h;
	bool operator<(Tree o) {
		return p < o.p;

void solve() {
	int n;
	cin >> n;
	vector<Tree> trees(n);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) cin >> trees[i].p >> trees[i].h;
	int best = 0;
	unordered_map<int, int> maxEndingHereLeft, maxEndingHereRight;
	for(int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		maxEndingHereLeft[trees[i].p - trees[i].h] = trees[i].h + maxEndingHereLeft[trees[i].p];
		best = max(best, maxEndingHereLeft[trees[i].p - trees[i].h]);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		maxEndingHereRight[trees[i].p + trees[i].h] = maxEndingHereRight[trees[i].p] + trees[i].h;
		best = max(best, maxEndingHereRight[trees[i].p + trees[i].h]);
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		// Cut the tree i to the right and check
		best = max(best, trees[i].h + maxEndingHereLeft[trees[i].p + trees[i].h] + maxEndingHereRight[trees[i].p]);
		// Cut the tree i to the left and check
		best = max(best, trees[i].h + maxEndingHereLeft[trees[i].p] + maxEndingHereRight[trees[i].p - trees[i].h]);
	cout << best << "\n";

There are definitely no overflows. I checked with “trapv”, and also the answer is an int.

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you can do first one by implementation also just using for loops

ya i also did the same thing…nice

You are right. It’s not storing the max :man_facepalming:. I feel so dumb.

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nope this is not mine , i m not trying as much , as only single question is enough so i solved only 2nd.

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nice editorial anee


how do you guys add math in these posts ? i know you put text in between $
but how do you add subscripts superscripts symbols like summition integrals etc.?

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\sum^n_{i = 0} \prod^m_{l = i} this is awesome… thanks.

Check this out. I’ve made an entire topic for that :P.

SecondThread has done flyod warshal :exploding_head:.
Time: @ 6:25