Help with QHOUSE

This is my code here. I am getting Partially Correct answer. The link to the problem : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

using namespace std;
#define ld long double
#define int long long
#define MOD 1000000007
#define w(x) int x; cin >> x; while(x--)
#define	F first
#define S second
#define PB push_back

string s;

bool ask(int x, int y){
    cout << "? " << x << " " << y << endl;
    cin >> s;
    return (s == "YES");


void solve(){

    int x = -1;
    //Finding the side of square
    for(int b = 1000; b >= 1; b/=2)
        while(ask(x + b, 0)) x += b;

    int sq = 2*x;
    //Finding the height of the figure
    int y = -1;
    for(int b = 1000; b >= 1; b/=2)
        while(ask(0, y + b)) y += b;
    //Height of triangle
    int h = y - sq;
    // Finding the base of the triangle
    int tx = -1;
    for(int b = 1000; b >= 1; b/=2)
        while(ask(tx + b, sq)) tx += b;

    cout << "! " << sq*sq + h*tx << endl;

int32_t main(){
    int t = 1; 
    //cin >> t;
    return 0;


Please Format your code. Also please link the question.

Thank you for your advice. I have done the formatting and provided the link of the problem

You are missing the main function and the header files. I need to copy your code and run it to see what’s wrong. Please post the entire code.

I have posted the entire code.

Your binary search may go out of the valid range. On your query function you should check for that and return false yourself.

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Thank you for looking into code. I tried to think of multiple test cases that might take the range 1000 but it didn’t go. I have specified the upper bound to be 1000 in the binary search so I don’t think it will ever go above that

//b will start from 1000 so it will never go above 1000.
for(int b = 1000; b >= 1; b/=2)
        while(ask(x + b, 0)) x += b;

What if 999,0 was inside the square? You would ask 999+1000,0, which is out of the valid query range.