How was HackWithInfy round 2

is there any update for top 3000?

When will the result come out for top 3000? Any idea?

How many qs one need to solve to be in top 3300??

depends on your performance…

Is there any update for top 3000?

wait for approx 4 to 5 days…

There is a pattern which is being repeated …

1 . Find the even_count and odd_count of the first number in the range.
2. If the next number is even then ,increment even_count and decrement odd_count. if it is odd then increment odd_count and decrement even_Count and print those values.
3 .Also , remember the pattern changes if any number in the range is divisible by 10. Rebuild the pattern again.

Please correct me, if this isn’t working for any cases.

Why deleted…???;??

Yes, in both round 1 and round 2.
Some of my friends did 2.5 questions and still didn’t qualify.

Yes, I did it.
Basically, you have to create a function F(X) which returns the count of all the numbers
x ≤ X that satisfy the given conditions and print f( R ) - f(L - 1).
It required a lot of combinatorics and edge case handling.

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Is there any update for top 3000?

Can anyone provide the problem statements?

When will the result come out for top 3000? Any idea?

I just today got a mail from infosys recruitment team that i have cleared round 2 and it asked for my details, does anyone have any idea if they are contacting me for ppo(top 3000) or onsite hackathon.

Where are they going to send mail?? To participants or to TPO??

I got it in personal email

How many have you solved in round 2 ?

one complete and one with few test cases

Please post the screenshot of the mail.

When u got the mail ?