"I want to ask a question" - Ask them all here!

Hello Sir will u please suggest any good source for understanding Heavy Light Decomposition i tried studying it 3,4 times on https://blog.anudeep2011.com/heavy-light-decomposition/ but can’t understand it…

Hey guys ! i have found the best programming course of python which is TOTALLY FREE

For the RECTANGL problem out of JAN18, am I missing something? It seems as easy as checking if two unique pairs of identical numbers exist. This works in the code/compile/run with the given (and my own) test input. Am I looking at it too simple/is there an edge case?

How do we get or loose points?
i know that the description is given in rating,but i want to know in short,i don’t want to spend my time in reading the whole description,

As i have seen that many user solved 10/10 questions in jan challenge,but still they loose their points,
so , may i get to know?

Any suggestions or tips for tomorrow’s CCDSAP certification exam for newbies…so that they can perform well in exam…

*Any help will be appreciated…

Has anyone tried “Make array great again(maga)” problem of Jan cook off by sorting method?? I sorted the array and then replaced 2nd element with 2nd last element 4th element with 4th last element. but it is giving WA. So, what is the problem in this approach?

I got 310 laddus as i was in top 20 in India in january long,however it is showing that u have 930 laddus,is it a bug?

is there no editorial for 3rd question(MAGA) of JAN COOKOFF or am i missing it ?

help me with this question


Why it gives me a WA. MULTHREE Problem - CodeChef. Here is my code CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

how to implement priority queue here?? @vijju123

Does codechef long have system tests like codeforces? If it has, then is it only for the challenge problem or for each problems?


i am getting W/A! but it passes all my testcases.

also how do you make test cases?

please help me with this question

What is the error in my codes ?



Laddu Earning for 100% attendance participation reward - unattainable for many non-Indian users.

While the participation award is a very good way for regular users of CodeChef to earn Laddus, I was disappointed to see that the required monthly LTIME contests are being run at a time that makes 100% attendance almost impossible for many non-Indian CodeChef users. For example, here in Sydney Australia, LTIME is run at 3am-5:30am local time! While I might set the alarm clock to do coding at 4am occasionally, doing so every month for 12 contiguous months is practically impossible.

Is ther any chance of offering a new CountryWise reward for non-Indian users that only requires 100% attendance of the Long and Cook-off comps for 12 months? Maybe for a reduced amount of Laddus (eg. 500)?

could help me here??? i am new to dynamic programming,i tried my best but…it looks like i am wrong somewhere. it couldn’t be that elements are added which are already used, because i removed that element and sent the list excluding that element. help

Can anyone tell how quick to learn react native - any ideas?

I am Having My code accepted By the CodeChef Compiler, I tried Different Test Cases Still not accpeted
Question Level-Beginner (Lead Game Question)

Question–> TLG Problem - CodeChef
My Submission → CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

Hello everyone!

I was working on a problem, MINEAT(CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone) from March Long challenge div2, MARCH18B. I think I have solved the problem correctly, but fail to pass all the tests.

Other than Wrong answer, I am facing TLE error as well. Can anyone discuss on the edge test cases and suggest solution to bypass TLE error?

PS: I will add my code for review, once the challenge is over.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: