ICPC 2017 Results - But Why?

Thats really saddest story mate since two above you and even three below you made it to next round. I agree that they should(and must) make the Selection rules clear before hand since we should be knowing what we are signing up for !
And like chennai went for 90-30 rule ! Amritapuri should have atleast gone with 200-50 rule !

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Firstly, Gwalior had atleast 160 distinct institutions (which completed registration ofc) and from which at least 1 problem was solved (I checked myself). It isn’t less, considering Kanpur had about 170 and it also had more slots. So that point of yours doesn’t make sense.

I like to believe they would have given 3rd ranked teams a chance if they had more seats. I think they tried to maximize number of unique participating colleges (ICPC spirit or whatever) while respecting the merit criteria, to some extent.

I called it (relatively fair) for 2 reasons:

  1. They didn’t blindly select top ranked teams from every college. They set a bar (3 questions initially, then 2 for leftover problems). So this means 1 point alone won’t get you a seat.
  2. This gave second ranked teams in an institution, with a respectable score (4 or more) a chance to get qualified.

I saw Chennai’s selection criteria, and it’s equally fair.

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Unfair selection criteria + 200 Regional seats reduced is the main cause of all this for the Amritapuri site. Something similar happened at Kanpur (selection of top ranked team from every college).

We had lost our hopes too (top 50 in the Online round, same as you) since in one site we were 3rd, and in the other site we were 2nd. We were equally surprised (and happy) that Gwalior decided to go with a better criteria. Even if we hadn’t made it there, I would have been still happy since they didn’t select all the one pointers who were supposedly the top ranked teams of their respective college.

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I feel this problem wouldn’t have arised if all sites had declared their selection criteria beforehand.

ICPC is not a very good tournament because it doesn’t promote fair competition (good teams always lose out).

Sadly, I also don’t know of any team contest ‘bigger’ than this (probably because there isn’t any other). Team contests are fun too :confused:

If someone from your college did it, it is because it was possible.Accept it.

True, but its possible only for one of us, right ? XD [I mean, rank 1 is possible only for 1 team. Then luck and other things start playing dominant role. ]

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tip number 4 applies here… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well…XDXD. I cannot find a counter-testcase for your points :stuck_out_tongue:

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seconds, if I’m not wrong!

Honestly, I cant even google out such a discussion. Can you provide link to support your claim?

The Same philosophy is being followed for online rounds too.

In online round, teams solving even cakewalk problem with 10 penalties is qualified. At WF level,even in worst to worst case, the qualified teams would be solving at least 8+ questions from onsite round. The variation of level and reservation hence argues against your post. Then, foreign teams also apply to Indian regionals, so again…

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maybe they disqualified you due to plagiarism, mail them about this.

Yes, your opinion , noted , accepted and agreed. Most of the people here are not against the college-first quota as long as there is quota for the well performing teams too. Like Chennai had 75% Slots for College first teams and 25% Slots for well performing teams. May be AMRITAPURI regionals and KOL-KAN regionals could have done the same.

Yaa I agree too with you