Is the problem GOLMINE invalid?

I agree. But I should point out, there’s a distinct difference between a limit and an actual value. Take any function with a removable discontinuity:



We can say \lim\limits_{x \to 2}{f(x)} = k (whatever k is), but f(x) is certainly not k - it doesn’t exist. Nonetheless, if the limit for f(x) doesn’t exist, then f(x) definitely doesn’t either (and in the bit problem’s context, it’s indeterminate).

Yeah, that’s what I meant when I said “I don’t know if it’s correct to say that the outcome is exactly half the total time when the reaction time is exactly 0.” Maybe there’s some other way to make sense of it, but the limit isn’t a rigorous proof.

What if we frame it this way for any time interval dt chef will have to choose a set of mines he works in that period and since both players are rational no matter what set chef chooses chefina can always choose the same due to each player know what other player will do.

Many people just wrote the solution for n=1, and submitted and got 100 points, without even thinking the details. This was the reason why there were a huge number of submissions on the problem. Many people wasted their time on this problem. :disappointed:

Don’t be so serious, it is a just puzzle, fictional puzzle. Many CP problems are fictional, why you care much about its reality? Let X, Y be fictional optimal for two players. Then the first player always has a strategy to get (X - EPS) with any arbitrary EPS , the same for the second player, always ensure to get (Y - EPS) and our tolerance is 1e-6?

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The issue was with the case when both of them refuse to work each other as a strategy i cannot figure out how will it converge

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Here’s an idea: Assume there’s 2 mines for simplicity. Define a strategy as a function that takes two nonnegative real numbers G_0 and G_1 and returns 0 or 1 indicating which mine the player should be in when one mine has G_0 units of gold left and the other mine has G_1 units of gold left. Let’s say that one player uses strategy f and the other uses strategy g. Define h(i, t) as the amount of gold left in the i th mine after t units of time if the players follow their strategy functions. Then h(i, t) can be expressed in terms of \int_0^t (f(h(0, x), h(1, x)) + g(h(0, x), h(1, x))) dx (I think).

What ? can u give solution link like this .

The two player try to maximize their mine, so if they idle, they get nothing, then should they idle?


Bro, for n=1, they have only one mine, and will work in that simultaneously. Working together is the answer to the whole problem.

Bro , I also did same :slight_smile: and got AC ( see my submission)

Yeah, that was the reason why the 4th problem in div2 had so many submissions. :sweat_smile:

Can it be proven that the players can force the outcome to be arbitrarily close to X and Y though?

@anon30011516 How to prove this ?

Let eps be a very small interval time. The first player will work on any available mine for the first eps time.

If the second player did nothing in previous eps time, then he will continue picking any mine to work for next eps time. Otherwise, imitating the second player (until the mines are empty).

Be the way he does that, he can get an amount of gold in any mine at least (\frac{G\cdot B}{A+B} - eps_2) (eps_2 depends on eps).

We can prove by invariant:

let’s define W(t) as function denoting the amount of gold Chef’s has gathered when time is t, clearly before the game start we have W(0) = 0 (Note chef is the one who finish’s i-th gold mine in A_i time and Chefu finishes in B_i time)

let’s define g_i(t) as the amount of gold that i-th gold mine still has in time t, clearly before the game start we have g_i(0) = G_i

let’s define another function of time H(t) which is equal to H(t) = W(t) + \sum_{i}{g_i(t) \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}}, before the game start we have H(0) = \sum_{i}{G_i \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}}

Fact 1: Chef can play in a way that H(t) never decreases by time.

Fact 2: Chefu can play in a way that H(t) never increases by time.


We know that if Chef was mining i-th gold mine for very tiny amount of time dt then amount of gold he will gather is \frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot dt, so the increase of W(t) will be dW(t) = \frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot dt and decrease in g_i(t) will be dg_i(t) = -\frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot dt, let’s put those in formula of H(t) and see how much it will change:

dH(t) = dW(t) + dg_i(t) \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}

dH(t) = (\frac{G_i}{A_i} -\frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i})\cdot dt

dH(t) = (\frac{G_i \cdot (A_i + B_i) - G_i \cdot B_i}{A_i \cdot (A_i + B_i)} )\cdot dt

dH(t) = (\frac{G_i \cdot A_i}{A_i \cdot (A_i + B_i)} )\cdot dt

dH(t) = (\frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} )\cdot dt

which means that if chef mined i-th gold mine for dt then H(t) will increase by (\frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} )\cdot dt, obviously Chef should greedily pick the gold mine with maximum \frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} to maximize the increase in H(t), but we still need to consider the change caused by Chefu.

we know if Chefu gathered from i-th gold mine for duration dt then W(t) will not change because by definition it’s what Chef gathered not Chefu, but g_i(t) will decrease by amount dg_i(t) = -\frac{G_i}{B_i} \cdot dt, so let’s see the change of H(t)

dH(t) = dW(t) + dg_i(t) \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}

dH(t) = 0 -\frac{G_i}{B_i} \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i} \cdot dt

dH(t) = -\frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} \cdot dt

clearly we see that Chefu should pick the gold mine with maximum \frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} to maximize the decrease in H(t).

the total change on H(t) made by both Chef and Chefu is (\frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} -\frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i}) \cdot dt = 0

which means H(t) will never change from the beginning of the game until the end.

let’s recall definition of H(t)

H(t) = W(t) + \sum_{i}{g_i(t) \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}}

since in the end of the game all mines will be empty so g_i(t) = 0 which means in the end of the game we have H(t) = W(t), and since H(t) never changes we conclude that W(t) = H(0) = \sum_{i}{G_i \cdot \frac{B_i}{A_i + B_i}}


the optimal strategy is to always gather gold from the mine which has maximum \frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i}, and this means that Chef and Chefu will always gather from the same mine, unless there are multiple maximums, and in this case Chef and Chefu can be gathering from different mines but it doesn’t change the final answer.


In your evaluation of dH, aren’t you excluding the case where they both extract from the same mine? When you consider the Chef extraction, dg_i = -\frac{G_i}{A_i}dt is valid only if Chefu is not extracting from that mine too.

When you consider the extraction of Chefu, W(t) = 0 only if Chef is not extracting at all. You can argue that if he is extracting from other mine doesn’t count at all but I don’t see why we would take it 0 if he is extracting from the same mine during the same dt. And again dg_i = -\frac{G_i}{B_i}dt is valid only if Chef is not extracting from that mine.

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I’ve actually considered the change by Chef alone and then by Chefu alone then I summed up the two changes.

if you want you can calculate the total change at same time, in this case here’s how it goes:

consider we are in time t and during the next dt time Chef has decided to gather from i-th gold and Chefu gather from j-th gold, then we have
dW(t) = \frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot dt
dg_i(t) = -\frac{G_i}{A_i} \cdot dt
dg_j(t) = -\frac{G_j}{B_j} \cdot dt

if you subtituite in formula of dH(t) then you will end up with:

dH(t) = \frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} - \frac{G_j}{A_j + B_j}

which means if Chef wants to maximize dH(t) then he should maximize \frac{G_i}{A_i + B_i} (because he only controls choice of i)

and if Chefu wants to minimize dH(t) then he should also maximize \frac{G_j}{A_j + B_j} (because he only controls choice of j)

of course the valid choices of i are always the same as valid choices of j because if a gold mine is not empty then both Chef and Chefu can gather from it.


ok, you convinced me now, thanks!