My stars are still not shown on my codechef discuss profile

log out and then log in

did not work

ratings will be updated by tomorrow

I am not talking about long challenge…I am at 5 star but my ID looks like I’ve never participated…discuss and codechef profiles are not in sync


Yes,bro you have to contact admin people by mail.

I have also seen that stars are not shown for some people. Did you alter some settings or was it by default?

it’s due to my username … that’s what I came to know when I complained a few months back

When your CodeChef and CodeChef Discuss username are different, it does not show stars. For example my id

I still remember @admin had said it was because of the incompatibility of the underscores. The profile link has been updated though and I think the stars would also start getting displayed very soon.

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ohh… now I understand the thing but some people don’t have underscores in their usernames but still their stars don’t show :thinking:

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It is due to underscore at end , same problem with me.
My username : thunderboltz_
Plz, @admin fix this

I have joined codechef this month and had participated in long challenge and solved 3 problems all got green tick and participated in one short contest Dementia and solved one problem but still in my profile it shows 0 rating and participation.what should I do??

just wait ratings will be updated soon…if not them mail to codechef or just post and tag admin

Dementia became unrated and for Long Challenge, it’d take some time for ratings to get updated.

It shows like this after 4 successful submission
Why :sob:

This query has literally been answered just above you’re post, just wait till tomorrow, you’ll find you’re homepage different.

Have patience! :upside_down_face:

I had suggest visited your profile you are so good in cp man :slight_smile: plzz tell me how did you started plzzz

I don’t think I am good at CP. I currently don’t know many of the advanced (and even some standard) topics. I can only suggest to practice as much as you can from various online judges and read articles from gfg and cp-algorithms. I started my CP from Codechef only and currently busy with some other stuff in my life…so not doing Codechef Challenges nowadays.

for a moment, everyone thought you were a newbie XDDDD

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