NOV18 - Problem Discussion

@insanity_123 Kindly read the reply I gave to @arpit_2k on this thread below. If you are padding zeros then you are also having bug similar him.

So this is another bug in Discuss then.

Oh. But this still needs to be fixed. Why should upvotes done on wiki post not add to the karma after un-wikifying the post?

How the heck is THAT fast enough? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

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Thanks a ton ! :smiley: I already read your reply though XD

Haha, nice comment @ducpro :))

No I’m serious. I originally implemented your idea with a complexity of O(Q * K * K * 64) and it already TLEd on subtask 2. That monstrosity of a complexity passing in 0.15 secs is just beyond my understanding.

@ducpro The worst case which I can think of for my code.
Q=N=20000, K=30
I made sure that all loop run up to their maximum value.
That too takes only 0.24 sec.
Maybe because of bitwise operations, It is running faster?