[OFFICIAL] Live DSA Learning Session 1 - Contest 1 - Part 1

Q6 your answer and justification are correct.

For Q5, I was trying to ask a different question, maybe my phrasing was bad. The thing I wanted to test was, how many different K_is can there be with value greater than sqrt(10^5) and the answer would simply be at most sqrt(10^5). Because if one has more than sqrt(10^5) K_i’s each with value >= sqrt(10^5), then the sum of these K_i’s > sqrt(10^5) * sqrt(10^5) = 10^5, which contradicts the fact that sum of all K_i’s = 10^5

Yes then N should be sqrt(10^5). Also since u asked k> sqrt(10^5) and not equal to. So even if one of the value is sqrt (10^5)+1 ,then all rest of them must be
less than sqrt(10^5).

I have a doubt in Multiple of three problem . For the test case :-
2 3 4
The correct answer should be NO because the number should be 34 and it’s sum is 7 so, it should not be divisible by 3 . But most of the correct solutions to this problem are showing YES . can anyone explain why ?
here’s my solution:-

it was a very nice session, it will be helpful for learning

Please help me to solve MULTHREE my answer is not coming

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The youtube video isn’t present now.


The Youtube Video is private now and we cannot access it. Can you please make it public again. It would be really helpful. Thanks!

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Yes, Please make the video public.

A great effort by the CodeChef Team.
I joined the contest a little late.
Could you please give me access to the youtube video of the Contest 1-Part1 Discussions.

Yes, we have taken down the video due to certain issues with the content. We are fixing it and will be making it live within a couple of days.

@sidhant007 can you please share your .vimrc file?

I’m not able to understand why I’m getting wrong answer for my submission. Following is the link to my submission:

In question 3,
the no. of numbers with last digit as 0 are 2^(p-1);
the no. of numbers with last digits as 01 are 2^(p-2);
but the thing is the no of operations required for the numbers with last digits 01 is 2.
So the overall complexity should be 1*(2^(p-1))+2*(2^(p-2))+3*(2^(p-3))…
The complexity will be Big_SIgma(N) and will be greater than O(N).
Please correct me if wrong.

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I have a doubt in the solution of question MULTHREE.

The below is my implementation of calculatiing the left part of the total.
Here the variable left_over is calculating the total left over part to be added and the variable left_over_count has calculated the number of digits left over after the first three digits and cycles.

int left_over;
        if (left_over_count == 1)
            left_over = (2 * x) % 10;
        if (left_over_count == 2)
            left_over = ((4 * x) % 10) + ((2 * x) % 10);
        if (left_over_count == 3)
            left_over = ((8 * x) % 10) + ((4 * x) % 10) + ((2 * x) % 10);

I dont understand what’s wrong in my implementation. After copying your in place of that my solution came right. I tried to print the digits given by it and matched with the two test cases it were same.

Errichto dropped a video on the topic of why we do modulo by a specific number 10^9+7 on online judges, have a look. Computations Modulo P in Competitive Programming - YouTube


Ummm @elon_musk10 your analysis is partially correct, I have fixed and put it in the comments on the youtube channel.

Copy pasting that comment here:
Fix: The analysis is actually \sum_{i = 1}^{P} 2^{P - i} * i (Notice you need to multiply with i, because the increment function takes i steps for those x’s)

Let S = \sum_{i = 1}^{P} 2^{P - i} * i = (2^{P - 1})*1 + (2^{P - 2})*2 + \dots + (2^1)*(P - 1) + (2^0)*P

Then 2S = (2^P)*1 + (2^{P - 1})*2 + (2^{P - 2})*3 + \dots + (2^1)*P

So 2S - S = 2^P + 2^{P - 1} + ... + 2^1 - (2^0)*P = (2^{P + 1} - 1) - P \leq 2 * 2^P \leq 2*N

So S = O(N)


Factorial Question in Contest 1: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
Can someone help me what’s wrong in my approach here : https://www.codechef.com/viewsolution/33535115
