ORTHODOX - Editorial

It is not O(n^2) if n > 62, because then it is O(1) because we just check whether n > 62. It becomes O(62^2) otherwise. So a total of O(Tx62x62) operations are required where T is the number of test cases. :slightly_smiling_face:

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By the way, I am still trying to understand the proof of why the answer is “NO” if n is greater than 62. :thinking:

Can anybody explain it more intuitively?

Can anyone help me find out that why am I getting a WA with the following code?

t = int(input())
for _ in range(t):
    n = int(input())
    arr = list(map(int, input().split()))
    if n > 62:
        isThere = []
        flag = False
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(i,n):
                val = (arr[i]|arr[j])
                if val in isThere:
                    flag = True
            if flag: break
        if flag: print("NO")
        else: print("YES")

Why for n>=100 Answer is Zero ?

Why for n>=100, Answer is zero bro ?

I used Set and simple bruteforce n tada…! it worked.!

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;;
class Orthodox {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
		int t = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
		while(t--!=0) {
			int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
			String[] line = br.readLine().split(" ");
			long[] arr = new long[n];
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			boolean isPossible = true;
			HashSet<Long> hs = new HashSet<>();
			for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
				long num=0;
				for(int j=i;j<n;j++) {
					num=num | arr[j];
				if(!hs.add(num)) {
					isPossible = false;
			if(isPossible) System.out.println("YES");
			else System.out.println("NO");			

Very Nice Editiorial…
please post all the editiorials in such fashion.

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This question was a waste of time. 2 hours and no solution. :expressionless:

broo… exactly i did the same approach you did. but my solution failed…
can you once check it plzzz…I cant figure out my mistake :pleading_face: :pleading_face:


U r not able to solve that doesn’t means it’s waste of time .

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Many peoples copied from net , and due to this relative increment in rating is less .

Hey, I managed to get an AC during the contest in the first go. But my approach doesn’t match with the one given in Editorial. What I did is I maintained a cumulative “or” variable as follows


Is this approach also correct?

Let’s assume 0 <= A[i] <= 7, for the sake of simplicity and let all A[i] be pairwise distinct. Because when they’re not answer is NO directly.
Upto 7, you need only 3 bits to represent a number
For a pair i, j
A[i] | A[j] = max(A[i], A[j]) whenever a bit set in A[i] is set in A[j] also or vice versa.
Eg. 010 and 011; (010 | 011) = 011 = max(010, 011);
You will be able to write only up to 3 numbers such that for all pairs i, j.
A[i] | A[j] is not equal to max(A[i], A[j]).
Trying to write more than 3 numbers will fail, because each bit position would have been set atleast once by some number.
For eg. 001, 010, 100.
If you try to add one more you will end up with two numbers, such that A[i]|A[j] = max(A[i], A[j]); (You also can’t add 000)
In such a case, the answer is NO, as explained in the editorial.

For 7 you can’t write more than 3 numbers.
10^18 requires 60 bits, so you can’t write more than 60 numbers.


broo… exactly i did the same approach you did. but my solution failed…
can you once check it plzzz…I cant figure out my mistake :pleading_face: :pleading_face: :pleading_face:


yeah ,I tried standard brute force knowing it would fetch me TLE but that n>62 was nowhere near my head xp

To everyone who uses sorting of the array in this problem: I don’t think this is a good idea. The order of the numbers in this problem is seemingly important, sorting is destroying this order. This is because the condition involves subarrays, not subsequences. If it was talking about subsequences, then obviously the order doesn’t matter. I don’t believe any fruitful outcome could be produced by sorting (but I might be wrong, though!)

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The case you mentioned is right

I think that you need to compare the p|ar[i] with both p and ar[i] to ensure that match with either is considered

You can refer to my explanation I have commented below. It may help