Please help to solve this problem


  1. S is the binary string given.
  2. N is length of S.
  3. (A,B) is any valid pair such that conditions given hold true.
  4. X = A+B=A \oplus B
  5. D(S) is the decimal representation of binary string S.
  6. C(i) is the number of set bits in i.
  7. S[i \dots N] is the suffix of S after index i.

We can reduce the problem to find the following summation, since it is given in the problem that A+B \le D \implies X \le D. So we just have sum up the number of pairs for all possible values of X. i.e. the following summation.

R= \sum_{X=0}^{D(S)} 2^{C(X)}

But how to find this? obviously, we can’t naively iterate overall all values from 0 to 2^N where N\le 10^5.
So we’ll use digit dp to find R.


DP[i] → \displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{D(S[i \dots N])}2^{C(k)} i.e. Sum of 2^{C(k)} for all 0 \le k \le D(S[i \dots N]) in the suffix of S after index i.
Transitions are pretty straightforword.

IF S[i]=0:

Then it’d be the same as the answer we obtained at index i+1 (Since we have no option but to put a zero in here otherwise it’ll be greater than D(S[i \dots N])


IF S[i]=1:

Now we can put either a zero or a 1 at index i.
If we happen to put a 0 then for the entire suffix from i+1 to N we can have any number of set bits we want. So the number of numbers with k set bits would just be \displaystyle \binom{N-1-i}{k} but since the contribution of each number with k set bits is 2^k so total contribution would be \displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{N-1-i}\binom{N-1-i}{k}2^k
But what if we put a 1 at index i then it is clearly evident that it is the sub subproblem for suffix from i+1 that we solved already i.e. DP[i+1] but with one extra set bit so the contribution from this subpart will be 2 \times DP[i+1]. So the transition will look like.

DP[i]=2 \times DP[i+1]+\sum_{k=0}^{N-1-i}\binom{N-1-i}{k}2^k \\ \sum_{k=0}^{N-1-i}\binom{N-1-i}{k}2^k=(1+2)^{N-1-i}=3^{N-1-i} \\ \boxed{DP[i]=2 \times DP[i+1]+3^{N-1-i}}

Base case is DP[N]=1 and final answer R would just be DP[0].


Time & Space complexity for this solution is \mathcal{O}(N)

#include "bits/stdc++.h"
#define ll long long   
using namespace std ;
const int M = 1e9+7,mxN=1e7;
int dp[mxN+1] ;
ll pM(ll b,int p){
  ll r=1 ;
      r=(r*b)%M ;
  return r ;
int main(){
  string s ; cin >> s ;
  int n = s.size() ;  
  for(int i=n-1;~i;--i)
    dp[i]=(s[i]=='0'?dp[i+1]:(2*dp[i+1]+pM(3,n-1-i))%M)  ;
  cout << dp[0] ;

Solutions that involve converting the entire string to integer as presented by @suman_18733097, won’t work for strings greater than length 10^4(thanks to python, C++ would’ve failed to handle strings of length 60 ) it is because you’re essentially storing 2^{10^5} in int data type which is way way too much!!.


You don’t need to have j, that was just for simplicity. j=N-1-i

Check this
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
#define ll long long   
using namespace std ;
const int M = 1e9+7,mxN=1e7;
int dp[mxN+1] ;
ll pM(ll b,int p){
  ll r=1 ;
      r=(r*b)%M ;
  return r ;
int main(){
  string s ; cin >> s ;
  int n = s.size() ;  
  for(int i=n-1;~i;--i)
    dp[i]=(s[i]=='0'?dp[i+1]:(2*dp[i+1]+pM(3,n-1-i))%M)  ;
  cout << dp[0] ;

Thank You for clearing doubt

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@cubefreak777 thanks a lot for helping :slightly_smiling_face:

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@cubefreak777 could share some best resources to become good in dp

Did you fully solve CSES DP section & Atcoder Educational DP Contest ? If not then start from here. Then practice specific dp types individually, like digit dp, dp on graphs etc. from codeforces.

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@cubefreak777 No i haven’t solved any .Thanks for sharing

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hi @cubefreak777 I have one more bitwise question , I have posted it here