Postman | Software Engineer, Intern | Internship Test Question

You want to buy a laptop. Each laptop has two parameters: Rating & Price. Your task is to buy a laptop with the highest rating within a given price range. Given Q tasks, each query consisting of price range required, you have to print the highest rated laptop that can be bought within that price range.

Input format:

  • The first line contains N denoting the number of inputs.
  • The following N lines contain P & R denoting price and range of a laptop.
  • Next line contains Q denoting the number of queries.
  • The following Q lines contain two integers X & Y denoting the price range (inclusive).

Output format:
For each task Q, print the highest rating that can be bought within the range.
If you cannot get any laptop within the range, print -1.


Sample Input:
1000 300
1100 400
1300 200
1700 500
2000 600
1000 1400
1700 1900
0 2000

Sample Output:

My approach:

  1. Create a rating array and initialize all its elements with -1.
  2. For every price, fill the array with the maximum rating possible till that price.
  3. Continue till the maximum price/last element of rating array.
  4. Return rating[Y], because Y > X always.

My problem:
The above approach requires huge memory (atleast in C++) as the rating array will contain 10^9 elements (because price range is from 1 to 10^9). This is not possible because of memory constraints. We can probably use maps/dictionaries here, but then, they are heavy too. This is where I need some guidance.

My solution (C++) (SIGSEGV): But works fine with sample test cases. PS: I know this is the right solution, but array size is the problem here.

// This was already given
#define  MAXSIZE 1000001

int solve()
	//write code here
	int rating[MAXSIZE];
	fill(rating, rating+MAXSIZE, -1);
	for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
	    rating[P[i]] = R[i];
	int maxele = rating[0];
	for (int i=0; i<MAXSIZE; i++)
	    rating[i] = max(maxele, rating[i]);
	    maxele = max(maxele, rating[i]);
	return rating[Y];

My solution (Py3) (Using dict): Partially accepted (1/5 test cases - 20/100)

def Solve(N,Price,Rating,Q,Range):
    # write your code here 
    # return a list of answers of Q queries
    ans = {}
    returnli = []
    for i in range(len(Price)):
        ans[Price[i]] = Rating[i]
    for i in Range:
        a = i[0]
        b = i[1]
        maxel = -1
        for i in range(a, b+1):
            if i in ans.keys():
                maxel = max(maxel, ans[i])
            if (i > max(ans.keys())):
    return returnli

Never do anything in cp which is >=10^8.
Here is the solution:-
1)Sort all the pairs according to their prices.
2)Now, whenever you see a price range, binary search and find the indices of that exact range.
Price Rating
5 1
2 12
23 34
1 0

After sorting according to the prices:–>

Price Rating
1 (1) 0
2 (2) 12
5 (3) 1
23 (4) 34

Now, if query is:—>(2,25), binary search will give you 2 values:–> (2,4)… It means u have to search maximum value in rating array from indice (2) to indice (4), the ratings from indice 2 to 4 are:—>12,1,34… Answer is max(34).
How to find the maximum number in a range in log(N)…use segment tree!
You are done :slight_smile: I hope explaination given by me clears everything!!

Code for Segment Tree:–> Min-Max Range Queries in Array - GeeksforGeeks

Total time Complexity:- O(Q.logN.logN)



Binary Search + Merge Sort Tree should do the job.

Thanks for this! I’ll try to implement the code based on what you suggested. Will post it soon. Thanks again man! :smile: