@admin In Last coding round, I got the rank of 92 after solving 5 questions in div-2 but still my rating was decreased by 9 from 1782 to 1773, I don’t know the reason why, my below ranking candidate also got rating increase even after get higher rank than me also they have more rating in previous
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@ankitverma_123 - you can check out the thread - Elo-MMR ratings go live on CodeChef! for details.
To summarise
- Your ELO MMR rating at the back-end went from 1599 to 1642
- Your display rating went from 1782 to 1773. Your display rating is currently being converged to your ELO MMR rating
You will stop seeing this in difference once you participate in a few more contests.
We are also going to convert everyone’s display rating to their backend ELO MMR rating in the near future.