Sum of divisors of all numbers less than n in less than O(n) time

Overflow because n\le 10^{12}. Isn’t this O(n\log{n})? Or can you prove that the ranges of equal values allow you to solve it faster?

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Since the sequence is non-increasing, all similar values should lie together in segments,
so complexity should be O(numberOfSegments), and we know the there can be atmost 2*sqrt(n) segments from here [Tutorial] Math note — Möbius inversion - Codeforces, I don’t know the exact proof.

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Right… stupid mistake… It works btw.

Yes I realised you were correct. I didn’t realise that at any point, a value can be in at most 2 ranges(Prefix and suffix). But the actual complexity is O(\sqrt{n}\log{n})

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take MODs in sum functions


it is leading to tle

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             If we know m is prime, then we can also use Fermats’s little theorem to find the inverse. 
             a and m are co-prime..
             a^(m-1 )≅ 1 (mod m)
             If we multiply both sides with a^(-1), we get :
             a^(-1) ≅ a ^(m-2) (mod m)
               For calculating the sum of divisors of all the no from 1 to n
               We notice that i occurs  n/i  times   in given range 1 to n.
               for ( i = 1 to n)
               ans += i*(n/i);
               But  , N = 10^12   so , it gives TLE for O(n) time complexity
               So we have to optimize it..
               We notice some consecutive no's  l , ...., r   have same value of   n/i   = n/r 
               So we have to take a fast sum of all such intervals and multipy it by n/i     
               since l , ..  r is consecutive so it forms a A.P having difference 1 .
               The Only thing we now need to do is to calculate r .
               And r can be calculated using :
               r =  n/(n/l)
               ans = 0
               for l = 1 to n :
                   r =  n/(n/l)  //  here we are going to rightmost side of current range..
                   let us consider  some consecutive no's   l , ...., r   which all  have  same value for  n/l = n/r
                   (summation of no from l to r *(n/l) )   ==  (( ( r - l + 1 )*( r + l ))/2)*(n/l)   %mod
                   summation of no from l to r  =  (( r - l + 1 )*( r + l ))/2   %mod
                   summation of no from l to r  =  (( r - l + 1 )*( r + l ))*(2^-1)    %mod
                   summation of no from l to r  =  (( r - l + 1 )*( r + l ))*binpow(2,mod-2,mod)    %mod
                   binpow(2,mod-2,mod) = mod inverse of 2 . here  2^(-1)  ==   2^(mod-2)   %mod   , by fermat little's theorm..
                   ans  +=  ( (( r - l + 1 )*( r + l )) * binpow(2,mod-2,mod) ) % mod
                   l = r+1 // here we are going to leftmost value no of next range..

My Code:

#include using namespace std; #define ll long long int #define mp make_pair #define pb push_back #define f first #define s second #define mod 1000000007 #define amarks444 \ ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false); \ cin.tie(0); \ cout.tie(0); #define line cout << "\n"; #define YES cout <<"YES"<< "\n"; #define NO cout <<"NO"<< "\n"; #define SEE(arr , size) for( ll i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) cout<<arr[i]<<" "; cout << "\n"; #define MAXN 1000050
        long long binpow(long long a, long long b, long long m) {
            a %= m;
            long long res = 1;
            while (b > 0) {
                if (b & 1)
                    res = res * a % m;
                a = a * a % m;
                b >>= 1;
            return res;
        void solution(){
              ll n ; 
              cin >> n ;
              ll ans = 0 ;
              for( ll  l  = 1 ; l <= n ; ){
                  ll r = n/(n/l); 
                  ans =( ans +(((((( ( r - l + 1 )%mod)*(( r + l )%mod))%mod)*binpow(2,mod-2,mod))%mod)*(n/l))%mod)%mod;
                  l = r+1;
        int main()
                    // freopen( "input.txt" , "r" , stdin );
                    // freopen( "output.txt" , "w" , stdout );
                    // ll t;
                    // cin>>t;
                    // while(t--)
                    return 0;

the question is not to calculate it for n ; if it was for n upto sqrt n i +n/i etc etc would have been better but i think
initialize sum=0;
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
sum+=(n/i)*i; (or n-(n%i)) would be better
and than cout<<sum%A;

this approach works because no. of integers between 1 to n that are divisible by i are n/i;

long long sumOfDivisors(int N)
long long left = 1, sum = 0;
while(left <= N)
long long val = N/left;
long long right = N/val;
left= right+1;
return sum;