TADELIVE - Editorial

Hey btw @betlista how can you edit an answer? Are you in admin panel or is this because of your Karmas?

Your solution failed for last test case

@rishabhprsd7: According to this - The new Karma system | CodeChef itā€™s because of karmaā€¦

i edited that case because according to constraints 0 cannot be the tip valueā€¦ but if your code was passing previous case then it will pass this tooā€¦!! also as @betlista mentioned your code fails on last case add by @betlistaā€¦

Because both can deliver just one, the max is when Andy deliver first one for 5 and Bob second one for 8. Bob cannot deliver bothā€¦

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Your code fails with

2 1 1
6 8
5 6

should be 13, your code returns 12 - CpHHDI - Online C++ Compiler & Debugging Tool - Ideone.com

Are there some good tutorials on state dp ?

as both can deliver only one so there can be two combinations either (bob get 6 and andy get 6 which is equal to 12) or (andy get 5 and bob get 8 which is equal to 13), so 13 is the answer and not 12ā€¦!!

For the DP solution should be this part

    BobOrders = i - j;
    if (BobOrders + 1 <= Y) {
        res = max(res, B[i] + dp(i + 1, j + 1));
    BobOrders = i - j;
    if (BobOrders + 1 <= Y) {
        res = max(res, B[i] + dp(i + 1, j));

@betlista I know my code is failing for cases but what is logically incorrect with my code and the code in the editorial?
Also, when both A[i] and B[i] are same who do we assign to collect the tip?

@betlista please donā€™t check with what I have submitted, i had better solution but couldnā€™t submit in time :-/

@dev8546: Yes, corrected.

Your code returns 18 for

3 2 1
7 4 9
7 2 3

correct answer is 20, I kind of do not like cmp function, but maybe Iā€™m wrongā€¦

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I think (but didnā€™t test it yet) that logical problem is in if(v->first<=0 && a<x) you want handle diff == 0 as last optionā€¦

@betlista I guess thatā€™s where the error might be. But, when diff==0 how do we decide who to assign the tip to Andy or Bob?

no it should be 7+4+9

3 2 1

7 4 9

7 2 3

Hope you understoodā€¦!! :slight_smile:

Thanks . I was doing a silly mistake of interchanging bob and aliceā€™s turns. It got accepted now

yes it should be 28

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it should be 28


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Thanks :slight_smile: now I get itā€¦