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Login Error

You seem to be already logged in. Once the Session expires (in 15 minutes) you can login again

What tf is that ? I just logged in and it shows this.
The interface is so broken.
Good bye codevita.

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Did you get this question in MockVita 2 or MockVita 1 ?

Yes , but u have to deal with it , :man_shrugging:

It will be helpful if I write, some key points/hack/ strategy for TCS codevita ? (just like hack with infy and ifytq) , what’s your thoughts on this ?

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bro help me. I’m getting error that you have been logged in somewhere else already. please wait for 15 min. I have been waiting for more than 20 mins.

anyone having issues with log in ? The code editor isnt even letting me submit the solution.

yep same.

call them , and tell issue . Basically their website is just hell , no working properly but we can’t do anything , just wait for sometime

BTW Is it practice round ?

Yes , mock vita is practice round , and also I m 2020 pass out not elegible for TCS codevita but yeah from last two years I gave this xam .

Let’s all SIGN this petition!
Come on @ssrivastava990 @galencolin @admin @akshitm16


My college will deduct marks in practicals if we don’t participate in it and do not send them proof.


Kuch bhi ,

Tiny drops make ocean

Ha bhai TCS wale dekhenge isko kro kro , are bhai deal krna seekho na chizo ke sath , every year all student face issue and complains but nothing happen so chill , and code

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bhai ye solution accept nahi hote. Presentation Error aati hai. I know that either you got AC or PE your solution will be accepted. Pr koi idea ki PE kyu aati hai. Maine to extra new line or space bhi print nahi kiye.

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Ye kaha ka rule h bhai. Matlab ye college wale kuch bhi karte h

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Actually this happens if u unnecessarily gives indentation , brackets , new line , unused variables in your code .

college wale be like : mat maan . . . . . . :rofl:

Is this a new trend among colleges to force students into these contests and CP ?
I wish they just do what they are supposed to do and not interfere with our work.