i dont know how you are checking for plag. even after solving 2 question in div 2 in first 10 minute rating is going below 1600
please Codechef find any solution for this issue .
Now It feels like ratings are just fake .
getting demotivated day by day. 
Hey Sumit,
You can find the updates here: Updates on curtailing plagiarism
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You rank in the contest is 2129 out of 2500 participants in Div 2. So many people solved the next 3 problems. I don’t think you can attribute that to cheating.
The logic is simple: Bad rank → Bad rating. And rank depend on the number of problems solved and speed of solving. You solved fast, but only solved two problems. Your rank is bad, thus your rating got reduced.
It’s okay, sir But, However, I would like to point out an example: One individual solved four problems in a total of 30 minutes (1st problem : 3 minutes, 2nd problem : 7 minutes, 3rd problem :15 minutes, and 4th problem : 30 minutes), while another person solved problems in the following manner (1st problem: 30 minutes, 2nd problem: 60 minutes, 3rd problem: 80 minute , 4th problem 100 minutes, fifth problem: 120 minutes).
Don’t you think the first person should’t get lower rating or rank?
should we not consider the speed of that first guy?
The second person’s high likelihood of cheating might warrant some consideration for the first person, irrespective of the number of questions solved?
The rules are the same for everyone and are publicly available in advance. Nobody forces you to participate if you don’t like the rules. It’s pointless to reason “what if” the rules were different after the contest.
If you want to accuse someone specific of cheating - please use appropriate communications channels (discuss is not one of them). Make sure that you have substantial evidence before submitting a report.