Thanks a lot . That works, it never really gave a TLE problem to me in any graph problem, will take care of doing that.
I am adding u to v and v to u in the adjacency list since it is undirected. Didn’t get you.
Ohhh! The problem is when you are converting path string to values. When the path contains nodes whose indices are more than a single digit, your conversion algorithm converts it incorrectly as it is considering one character at a time. Consider this test case:
11 1
1 2 4 7 11 16 22 29 37 46 56
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
10 11
Your program will find path as: PATH = 910
And so the values array will have the values: [46, 2, 1] instead of [46, 56].
here is my solution in pyhton 3 my Solution
my time complexity is O(100) per query but still i am getting TLE for second type of tc.
is it because, i am using python or am i doing something inefficient??
please help.
Refer to this blog
We have to exclude all nodes which appears two times in the given range.
Just change your compare function, it will pass
bool compare(Query x, Query y)
if (x.L / blk_sz == y.L / blk_sz)
return ((x.L/blk_sz)&1)?(x.R<y.R):(x.R>y.R);
return x.L / blk_sz < y.L / blk_sz;;
Oh yes!! Thank you brother. What a blunder. Thanks for pointing out. Thanks a lot.
Hey, I did that.
Can you once take a look at my code, its getting tle. It’s moreover doing the same as yours.
My Code
I used LCA with the binary lifting technique to find number of nodes in the path, but I do not know I am getting WA. Can anyone help me ? CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt(2 * Q);
change this to
BLOCK_SIZE = sqrt(2 * N);
But it still getting TLE idk why
Oh! thanks.
Well, the time limit for MO’s was too tight.
gives TLE but passes with C++17.
Can anyone tag similar problems like this from other sources like cf,spoj etc?
Thanks in advance
My AC solution ( here ) for A_i =100.
I have used binary lifting to find distance and then naive approach for finding the minimum difference. Any tip on how to solve for A_i = 10^6.
Thanks for mentioning a new topic - Pigeonhole Principle
Do anyone know any source to learn implementation of path between nodes? Im just unable to find it anywhere. Just found many places saying DFS and BFS. Thanks in advance
try Code NCode graph tutorials… they are the best.
Can somebody help me, I’ve used depth and parent array (O(N) for preprocessing and then comparing depths of given nodes per query) to calculate the path between 2 nodes in tree. I didn’t use LCA using binary lifting. I also used frequency array for maxA condition as described in tutorial, but still getting TLE in both subtasks.
Here’s my Solution