TWOSTRS - Editorial

@sharepo Thanks for the explanation. The step 3 in your explanation intends to count the sum of beauties of all occurrences of strings from S in the suffix B[i…∣B∣−1]. I think it should be noted that your implementation additionally counts the sum of beauties of any string from S that ends in the suffix B[i…∣B∣−1] but doesn’t start in it. This works because whenever you have to use the value of suffBSum[i], you would have most definitely included the previous 25 characters before i. Thus, all strings from S that end in the suffix B[i…∣B∣−1] also need to be counted.

Thankyou! @sharepo
How could I miss that…
But that explains my last two days of codechef long XD

Thanks, fixed.

can someone please find error in my implementation. My code is based on editorial. I tried my best to find but could not do it. Please Help


The setter’s solution is so simple and clear.
I have commented what I have understood. Just posting here so that it will be helpful for someone. Kindly please point out if there are any misunderstanding.


The error is in calculating suf_sum array.

Change this
	ll cur = 0;
		cur = go(cur,r[j]-'a');
to this
	last = go(last,r[i]-'a');
for (int i = sr - 2; i >= 0; i--) suf_sum[i] += suf_sum[i + 1];

similar to my slution.

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Thanks for the reply man. and yeah you are correct, I got AC after that change and also understood what was wrong with my code. Thanks

can someone please have a look at my code and point out the mistake? I computed the prefSum and SuffixSum arrays. then i am adding pref[i-25] and suff[j+25]. from (i-24) to (j+24) , i am moving along the automaton.

Have a look at this comment above.

i did, the test is not working. i have not accounted for substrings inside the set S. thanks for pointing out

for(k=1; k<=25; k++){

    for(i=0; i<=(int)B.length()-k; i++){
        struct Node *node = A_trie.get_node(B, i+k-1, k, -1);

        for(j=0; j<A.length(); j++){
            bridge_answers[j][i] += A_trie.get_value(node, A, j, min(26-k, 12), -1);

why dont we run 1st loop from k=14. stucked in this logic for few days.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 200
this case shows 0 as of this code. but ans is 200.
dude stucked is this code for 6-8 days almost. atlast find out why i stucked. brother please fix the code and please elaborate the logic a bit more, hopefully anyone will help.
sorry for my bad english

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Ooooopsie! It looks like my code is not working correctly for this and some similar inputs. My code’s output does not match the tester’s output. I think you are correct in what you have pointed out. I did spend a lot of time to write the piece of code that you have quoted. I also faced a lot of confusion and failure to pass all test cases despite multiple attempts.
I am really sorry but since now I know that my code’s logic is still not 100% correct, I don’t think it’s worth explaining it. And I will also have to put considerable effort into remembering my flawed logic.
I would advise you to understand the high-level logic and try developing the code yourself. I hope you could do it better than me.
Good job finding the mistake in my code.
I am sorry for the inconvenience that you had to face because of my incorrect code. That must have been really frustrating.

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your approach is very nice. anyway if you solve this later please attach your code. thanks for sharing your idea.

@better_sleep bro could u show me show your complexity is
and also your code plz
I thought like this…
We do this for all pairs of prefix and suffix of A and B respectively
Then considering one particular prefix and suffix we concatenate them…
let it be S
Then i perform kmp on each of the N query strings with S as the text and query string as the pattern
Then the complexity becomes
T * 1000 * 1000 * (N * 1000)
which is way too high
considered 1000 for |A|,|B| and |new pattern(KMP)|

Can someone point out the improvement in my code. It is very similar to setter’s code and I am getting TLE in last subtask. Any help will be appreciated.
Sol link : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
Thanks in advance