UNICOLOR - Editorial

My solution is O(cxlog(cx)+cx). Why is it giving TLE on subtask 2? I used co-ordinate compression to lower the co-ordinates to order of c*x and then used sets to traverse the elemets within ranges like [l…r].
My Code

Near the end of your solution, F(i, 1, n + 1) should be F(i, 1, c + 1).

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Hey all, I tried to implement the idea as per the editorial but I’m getting TLE for almost all cases. Can anyone please help where I’m going wrong?

Here is my code : CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

oh thanks a lot

bro ur GOD and i m so dumb and I couldnt even debug myself , thanks for being so helpful

Before this problem, I wasn’t about the line sweep technique, every time I think a lot about such intervals.
Now I got the exact thing line sweep.
Here is a nice blog on this How to sweep like a Sir - Codeforces.
Happy coding :slightly_smiling_face:

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Getting WA in subtask 2
edit: forgot to add students at the end of the interval to the independent students variable. AC now

It was indeed a good question. Learned a lot. Still solving.

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Thanks for help @iceknight1093

I solved this question using dsu, I was hoping to get TLE on this solution CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
because I got TLE on this:
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

The only optimization I did in the first solution is that I am not applying binary search if parent[i]=parent[j] for all i [0,c-1] and all j [i+1,c-1], which should fail for extreme case like c=1000, all x=100 and all intervals have zero intersection.

Number of iterations in worst case scenario - T*(number of elements) * (clubs) * (sum of log(elements in each club))

which comes out to be- 10* 2e5 * 1e3 *7e3 ~ 1e12.

I am using Klee’s algorithm. My solution is passing 70 point sub-task but giving runtime error in sub-task 1. Can any one help with this?