Use this for anything related to plagiarism - Reporting cheating, appeals, etc

I don’t know any cheaters

I want to report a user on CodeChef who copied solutions from YouTube videos during the Starters 118 Division 4.

He has copied this solution:CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone completely 100% from this YouTube video:

He has copied this solution:CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone completely 100% from this YouTube video:

He has copied this solution:CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone completely 100% from this YouTube video:

He has copied this solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone completely 100% from this YouTube video:

His solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone is not 100% copied but very similar to the solution shown in the YouTube video:

All of these videos were published while the contest was going on CodeChef, that is around 9 PM IST. He also changed his coding language from C++ to Python during the contest which is also suspicious.

Apart from the above mentioned YouTube channel, the solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone also matches 100% with the solution circulated on the telegram group: HERE, during the contest.

The solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone also matches with the solution circulated on the telegram group: HERE, during the contest.

I’m attaching the screenshots below.

There is a fair chance that the user is using Telegram and YouTube channels to copy solutions.


Even this code of another User: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone, 100% matches the code: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone of the above mentioned User copied from Telegram and YT channels during the contest as described above in detail.

Same goes for this solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone by User, he has just changed the variable names.

Same goes for this solution: CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone by User, he has just changed the variable names.

There are many users in Division 4 that have exactly the same solution submitted for the problem: Problem Link.

Here are the solutions of different users, which are exactly similar:


They are not the exactly the same @brightbluedot. Just same idea

an advice to codechef deploy a checker atleast for avoiding palagrim we could see that exactly same solutions are also passing the checker even the variable names are not been changed. i am sorry but it doesn’t give a good feeling as a contest giver but anyways if cheating happens or not i dont care i am here to increse my problem solving skills and rating are just a bonus for me personally…
but you can use accuracy for that checking even as if a question accuracy percentage is stagnant for around 5 percent for whole contest but in the end it 10 min or the time it start to increseing abruptly there might be chances that solution is available to the public . suppose it reached to 20 percent then there might be something fishy going on…

These are the contestants with same solution for this problem in div-2.
We can clearly understand that these contestants have cheated.
Here are are some of the solutions:


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there should be more of it

some more cheaters: Adding some lines to the code that are not at all related to the solution.
There are many more…

They think we are stupid.
I bet they don’t even know what or why is that “x” variable is for.

Solution: 1055568970 (
Solution: 1055568835 (
Solution: 1055568549 (
Solution: 1055568268 (
Solution: 1055568268 (
Solution: 1055567954 (
Solution: 1055567386 (
Solution: 1055567224 (
Solution: 1055567222 (
Solution: 1055567112 (
Solution: 1055567082 (
Solution: 1055567059 (
Solution: 1055566818 (
Solution: 1055566189 (
Solution: 1055566107 (
Solution: 1055566097 (
Solution: 1055566008 (
Solution: 1055565698 (
Solution: 1055565656 (

One would say that a 3* don’t need to cheat, but holy!

I mean, they don’t know that a syntax tree will detect similarities despite the name of the variables??
The code is absolutely redundant lol

Solution: 1056558904 (
Solution: 1056555625 (
Solution: 1056558578 (
Solution: 1056559810 (
Solution: 1056559792 (
Solution: 1056559688 (
Solution: 1056559683 (
Solution: 1056559681 (
Solution: 1056559644 (
Solution: 1056559299 (
Solution: 1056559176 (
Solution: 1056559220 (
Solution: 1056559087 (

Cheatings are easily caught and we can help you in catching with our strategies and digital tools ,For further details do visit

During every Codechef contest all codes get uploaded in this telegram group and all copy same code from here. (Telegram: Contact @codechef_answers)
Massive cheating has been done in the problem :- 3out1in; of contest starters 133; 3out1in Practice Coding Problem - CodeChef.

85% of codes are exactly of the same structure as this:-

void solve()
int n,q; cin >> n>>q;

vector<int> a(n); 
for (auto &x : a) cin >> x; 
multiset<int> hi, lo; 
int sum_hi = 0, sum_lo = 0; 
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ 
    if (i & 1){ 
        if (a[i] > *hi.begin()){ 
            sum_hi += a[i] - *hi.begin(); 
            sum_lo += *hi.begin(); 
        } else{ 
            sum_lo += a[i]; 
    } else { 
        if (lo.empty()){ 
            sum_hi += a[i]; 
        } else if (a[i] < *lo.rbegin()){ 
            sum_hi += *lo.rbegin(); 
            sum_lo += a[i] - *lo.rbegin(); 
        } else{ 
            sum_hi += a[i]; 
for(int i=0;i<q;i++){ 
   int x; 
   cout<<final[x-1]<<" "; 


Submission Link -

CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone.
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone.
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone
CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone

@admin Codechef users would be much more happy if Codechef looks into this issue atleast 1 time :- CHEATING by "type_7_shady"

Channel -

There have been 50+ blogs on this same topic here; why don’t you guys pay any attention?

Every contest on this youtube channel Codes are shown and sent live since last few months totally destroying the Codechef contest worth. Will you guys please take strict action against this? Can you see today’s contest 1000+ people solving the last problem. All limits of cheati9ng have been crossed.


@emperor100 Codechef users would be much more happy if Codechef looks into this issue atleast 1 time :- CHEATING by "type_7_shady"

Channel - .

There have been 50+ blogs on this same topic here; why don’t you guys pay any attention?

Every contest on this youtube channel Codes are shown and sent live since last few months totally destroying the Codechef contest worth. Will you guys please take strict action against this? Can you see today’s contest 1000+ people solving the last problem. All limits of cheating have been crossed.


@iloveoshijain - Plagiarism process runs after each contest.
Last contest - approx 1200 accounts were marked as cheaters - their ratings dropped before the next contest.

For folks posting solutions on youtube - we report such accounts to youtube - but there is nothing more that can be done about it.

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That is really not justified. At least 30% of contest participants are cheaters. Because codes get released very early people have plenty of time to pass plagiarism. Codechef Plag Check is not that strong if someone is smart enough.

There were not just 1200 cheaters. There were more than 10000+ If I start linking the codes here there won’t be any limit

Why Codechef administrator does not take any action? What is the point of arranging such fake contest where almost everyone is having the solution code with them? Why can’t Codechef as a organization formally report it to YouTube via mail or something ?

Why no action ?

Its your own platform and its loosing its importance.

Atleast do a strict plag check for all the codes having same solution as this youtuber because it can be seen almost all are copying from here only -

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To add up: CHEATING by "type_7_shady" - #9 by deeping_dive

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