Weird Bug in Challenge problem

I was trying to do the challenge problem from the long challenge and decided to try to do nothing and just try to do no operation on the cherries and print “1 1 0” and when i submitted this i got A.C.
Here’s my solution for the problem and it got 99.29 points.


I have just output the exact solution same as given in test case.
I also got AC :grin:

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It was free 99 points . Didn’t understand what the setter was thinking while setting this problem.


CodeChef: Practical coding for everyone :rofl::rofl:


the problem was basically optimization. Getting 99 wasn’t that hard to think but to score more was the real “CHALLANGE” as they called it. :slight_smile:


So is this fair @admin


Even I was confused during the whole contest and have tried reporting it to during the contest.


This is not at all fair,
and i was amazed how 2200+ people solved this?
@admin ??


same, I kept thinking how to approach this problem.
All we had to do was randomly type numbers and get 99 points.
This is cheating.


@admin If you’re doing 99 points giveaway then everyone should’ve known.
Randomly output numbers


with a 70% success rate !
70% success rate wasn’t even on problem 3


I’ve not done a Challenge problem before, but aren’t they re-judged on the full set of training data after the Contest ends? If so, I’m betting that people who just output 1 1 0 aren’t going to end up with very high scores.


It is rejudged but not on any special test cases. The constraints of the problem clearly mention that 10^5 raisins are chosen uniformly among all numbers comprime to 720720. Given the constraints, it’s unlikely to be able reduce the price by much. The only cases where the area can be reduced is when the raisins are far apart and dense on a row or column, which is fairly unlikely


Was the problem statement hidden from you? :slight_smile: Were the other coders given any extra information that you weren’t? If not, I don’t see how this can be considered unfair at all. Anyone could have read the statement (and had 10 days to do so), and figured out that there are easy points available here. The challenge of course is in figuring out how to optimize it further, and that’s what matters in the ranklist. The absolute difference in scores doesn’t matter at all, if other problems are same. It’s the ranklist which matters, and even a small difference in scores affects the ranklist in the same way as a larger difference.

Could the scoring have been better? Probably. This definitely wasn’t ideal.
But is this unfair? I don’t see why.


Could you please tell me were there only 2 test cases to check for this problem? Because i can see many people just checking for only those two test cases and they arq getting 99 points!

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You’d know the answer to your question if you read the problem statement :slight_smile: It’s explained there.


Then why the setter has written -minimise the final price of the cake. Even though printing any answer like 1 1 0 giving them 99 pts . Is this is the minimised solution which diserve 99 pts? What about those people who thought about the efficiency solution couldn’t due to the difficulty in implementing the algorithm?


Hey @admin was the raisins question meant to check the plagiarism you were just checking who all will write the same text as output:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

They might end up getting high score but it’s completely fair because challenge problem’s score is relative. It’s their bad if they don’t even try solving the problem.
It’s not this contest, but in every contest people get non zero score for submitting random solutions.
Even printing random numbers in proper range can optimize some problems.
I totally agree with admin.


R u blind ? Don’t you see lots of people getting 99+ score on challenge problem ?
You should at least try it when you see everyone getting more than 99. It simply means people are submitting random solns.
Next time onwards read each and every problem and try submitting whatever you can. If you don’t even try then it’s your loss :slight_smile:
@prabhat_7 @ayush4