what is the most efficient way to find no. of factors of a number?

Nice catch.

I missed the case where N gets reduced to a prime number after division by 2. It was written when I was very new here so pardon me xD. For that case, we need to multiply it by 2.

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this is my code to find the number of divisors of any number including 1 and n

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int process(int n)
	int ex=1;
	long long ans=1;


	for(int i=3;i*i<=n;i+=2){//we will go till root(n) only as after that only one prime would be left or 1

				//push I if you want all the primes

	if(n>1) ans*=2;
	//push n if you want all the prime factors
	return ans;
int main()
    int n;cin>>n;

Please let me know if its correct.

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My code is different from your code by just one line! but I think both our codes are correct(my being faster)

int original_n=n; you have used orginal n after removing the powers of 2
and I am using the modified n after every iteration
but still for all test cases the answers are same…

I think because after every for loop the question becomes find the number of divisors for n with removed powers of the previous prime.

If I am not wrong my code would be faster than yours

Perhaps, but I think that the time complexity of both our codes are same. I dont mind constant factors much :stuck_out_tongue:

The derivation is easy.

Suppose the number is p = a^x \times b^y \times c^z...

Every factor of this number should atleast have some power of a or b or c or ...
There are total x+1 powers of a (including a^0)
There are total y+1 powers of b (including b^0)
There are total z+1 powers of c (including c^0)

So total ways to choose a factor are (x+1)\times(y+1)\times(z+1)...