Which Programming Language should i start with?

@pst10 is there some way to personally send msg to someone else on Code Chef?
I want to ask you something

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honestly I don’t think you should post your e-mail like this. you remove your post. I will ask here only.

Did you try for IIT or NIT?

I would probably prefer Python language over any other because it is very easy to learn and it is having many inbuilt library functions which makes your program so small and also it reduces time complexity of the program.

I am sorry I thought You want to contact me so i posted my linkedin profile here apologies…
By the way emails are open to everyone even my profile has my linkedin link attached to it.

No Maybe not

This is the very reason not to use Python.

Start with C/Cpp, or even if starting with python do learn one of them because you don’t have concept of pointers, garbage collection and accessing memory stuff, you are abstracted by them while using python, if you can learn those languages then you could possibly learn any other language with a lot of ease, afterall you are going to be a problem solver while working in real world, you cannot say I will be using X just because I love X, no dude stuff doesn’t work that way.
For competitive programming go with CPP because all resources are available in CPP, very less in python.


I would recommend C, C++ or Java because if you learn one these languages, it becomes easier to learn the other, because the syntax is very similar. Only thing is, if you learn C first, then you may have to learn OOPS concepts from the beginning. But that should not be a big deal.

But there’s no hard and fast rule as to learn these languages first. You can start with any. At the end of the day, your ability to write effective code is what that matters.

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If you are getting speed at cost of little hard work then people out there will gain these skills even if they are not in Their comfort zone , and obsession with speed is what attracts everyone in every field.

@samartino We can’t Say Spanish is best language if you are communicating in Indian society.

@pst10 Spanish is not a good language in India but in general it is better to be honest and no language is best as there is no language which can get you through any country in world. Even English is not spoken in all countries. Many countries are Spanish speaking but very select countries(India being the only major one) have Hindi speaking people. So if you take a particular case then Hindi is better but in general view Spanish is better just like your code can solve one test case and not others then it doesn’t means your code is right.

The right programming language depends on for what you want to use it. There is no general answer. Just like speaking languages, there is no good or bad language. See what you need programming language for and chose on basis of that. You wouldn’t learn Spanish to stay in France because French is spoken in France just like that you won’t learn Java for an industry that uses C++ and you won’t learn C++ for an industry that uses Python, etc.

@aditya_jain_05 Well in that line i am not making statement rather i am replying to comment made by @samartino.

So thing you are elaborating here , is encrypted in that line of mine which i replied to @samartino.

Well thanks for elaborating.

This is the first time i have seen someone saying that using library functions reduces time complexity. It is true that they are optimized and reduce implementation efforts. Even STL is quite powerful once you know its functionality but saying that it reduces time complexity is quite wrong.
I would suggest that you go read up on Time Complexity

Well said @anon11076894 library functions are there to make you achieve tasks that may come handy in lots of program , You can’t say they decrease time complexity rather you should say they are well coded , well optimized to achieve task performed by function.

A good example is sort(). It is well optimized to make implementing the function on your own redundant but it does not reduce the complexity for sorting which is fundamentally limited to nlogn for comparison based sorting

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Yes you are right, as for it’s implementation many functions for sorting are made such that they uses insertion sort for n < 30 and randomised quick sort for n >= 30

But suppose you are given range of element can be atmost 10^6 then you can implement your own function for sorting( counting sort ) for efficiency.

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people let’s face the fact:
the computers are getting faster and more powerful everyday. They are getting notably faster every year. An average smartphone is a million times more powerful than the computer used on Apollo spacecraft which took humans to moon and if you take a powerful PC or high end smart phone then things get even more powerful.

The days where speed of the language matter have gone. The speed of the computers are so incredible that speed of language in which code is written doesn’t matter any more. What is required now is fast development through any means. Speed of development depends on many factors and not just language so quit emphasizing the speed of a language. There are IDEs that make development considerably faster so that factor is there but IDEs try to make up for that as much as possible.

If you want to learn programming only and only for CP then see the language speed else don’t even see the language speed. People don’t give a damn about it. See what language is being used in the industry you are interested in going to and learn it. You won’t be at a very big disadvantage even if you try CP as time limit is adjusted according to language and if you are good at it then you can work with it.

@pst10 know you were giving an example and not making a statement but I tried to explain my point by elaborating that example only

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