Wrong on test 6 Codeforces Edu Binary search step 2 problem D-Children Holiday

can any one pinpoint what 's wrong with my approach it’s giving me wrong on test 6.
code → Preformatted text

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef vector<ll> vi;
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define rep(i,a,b) for(ll i=a;i<=b;i++)
void print(vi v) {
  for (auto f : v)
    cout << f << " ";
ll m, n;
bool g(ll x , ll v[][3]) {
  ll f = 0;
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll t = v[i][0];
    ll z = v[i][1];
    ll y = v[i][2];
    ll p = (t * z) + y;
    f +=  ((x / p) * z + min(z, ((x % p) / t) ) );
  if (f >= m) {
    return 1;
    return 0;
vector<ll> good(ll x , ll v[][3]) {
  vector<ll> v1(n, 0);
  //ll f = 0;
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll t = v[i][0];
    ll z = v[i][1];
    ll y = v[i][2];
    ll g = 0;
    ll p = t * z + y;
    g = (x / p) * z + min(z, ((x % p) / t ));
    v1[i] = g;
  return v1;


int main() {
  //ll n;
  //ll n, x, y;
  cin >> m >> n;

  ll v[n][3];
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll f, g, h;
    cin >> f >> g >> h;
    v[i][0] = f;
    v[i][1] = g;
    v[i][2] = h;
  ll r = 3000001;
  ll ans = 0;
  ll l = 0;
  vector<ll> f;
  while (r >= l) {
    ll mid = r + l;
    mid /= 2;
    //vector<ll> p = good(mid);
    if (g(mid, v)) {
      ans = mid;
      r = mid - 1;
      l = mid + 1;
  f = good(ans , v);
  cout << ans << "\n";
  for (auto g : f) {
    cout << g << " ";

Please format your code - the forum software has mangled it and it won’t compile! :slight_smile:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef vector<ll> vi;
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define rep(i,a,b) for(ll i=a;i<=b;i++)
void print(vi v) {
  for (auto f : v)
    cout << f << " ";
ll m, n;
bool g(ll x , ll v[][3]) {
  ll f = 0;
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll t = v[i][0];
    ll z = v[i][1];
    ll y = v[i][2];
    ll p = (t * z) + y;
    f +=  ((x / p) * z + min(z, ((x % p) / t) ) );
  if (f >= m) {
    return 1;
    return 0;
vector<ll> good(ll x , ll v[][3]) {
  vector<ll> v1(n, 0);
  //ll f = 0;
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll t = v[i][0];
    ll z = v[i][1];
    ll y = v[i][2];
    ll g = 0;
    ll p = t * z + y;
    g = (x / p) * z + min(z, ((x % p) / t ));
    v1[i] = g;
  return v1;


int main() {
  //ll n;
  //ll n, x, y;
  cin >> m >> n;

  ll v[n][3];
  rep(i, 0, n - 1) {
    ll f, g, h;
    cin >> f >> g >> h;
    v[i][0] = f;
    v[i][1] = g;
    v[i][2] = h;
  ll r = 3000001;
  ll ans = 0;
  ll l = 0;
  vector<ll> f;
  while (r >= l) {
    ll mid = r + l;
    mid /= 2;
    //vector<ll> p = good(mid);
    if (g(mid, v)) {
      ans = mid;
      r = mid - 1;
      l = mid + 1;
  f = good(ans , v);
  cout << ans << "\n";
  for (auto g : f) {
    cout << g << " ";

You’re missing one condition while calculating the answer array( no. balloons filled by n person), which is you’re not checking that if the balloons that have been filled up >m, we need exactly m filled up balloons. So while making v1 array in good function add that condition.