ZCO 2016 discussion

No I’m expecting 140, as O(N^3) should run on the first subtask of Bamboo Art (it was N <= 400).

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The first computer I got worked perfectly fine. But, around 2:15 minutes into the exam, I pressed Ctrl+F and got locked out. They switched me to another computer but it didn’t have g++ installed. After trying to explain the problem to them for several minutes, I just gave up and left (I didn’t have my code in the new computer (and Ctrl+C was not working on the submitted code) so it was anyway useless). If I didn’t do anything stupid in the first one I should get at least 100. I have got a vector index out of bounds in problem 2 so if the grading server is strict, it might crash (on all cases).

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@nibnalin About the testing, the IDE was displaying the execution time after the program had stopped so I just set N to 2500 and the lengths to 0,1,2,…,2499. It was not quite accurate but it did give some idea. By the way, how much are you expecting?

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@AnonymousBunny was sort of trying that out, maintain two arrays and objective is to get the bigger elements into one array and smaller into the other. i.e., for every i till n cases, a[i] >= b[i]. this is of course only till no. of swaps can be carried out. but couldnt write this efficiently.

It was just my computer, that was slow. It ran within 1 sec on codechef’s server. The test case was randomised, taking care that no number repeats.
Btw, do you know how fast the server that IARCS will use for testing is?

@srijon Lucky you. I had to change computers 4 times. Finally the 5th one I got was good enough, but really bad keyboard plus really slow, but whatever, I had only 100 minutes or so after all the changing. So I used them to the best I could, and am expecting 130 now. I coded the one for 2nd subtask of problem 1, but was getting WA, and had only 5 minutes or so left, so decided to let it go and leave. The centre etc. was really really poor.

Yes, as far as I remember K was <= N for 2nd subtask