ZIO 2015 Discussion

Very less students appeared for ZIO this year. You have a good chance. Are you giving ZCO ?

I did it using semi brute force and I got those same 3 numbers so if there is a missed case, I missed it too.

If the answers in the original post are all correct, I’m getting 70 so no problem there.

In the comment section of the first answer posted on this question this exists lists of E/L sequences as well as final sequences. Can you find the missing cases ? It will be easier to disprove the agreed upon ans that way.


some of your output sequences are not possible







@a1a99_3 http://textuploader.com/ob47 this is the text file. Find your mistakes in this one.

On one hand I am extremely happy that you have secured 60 being in class 9 and on the other hand I am getting depressed that I might not get selected. You will get selected surely so start preparing for INOI immediately.

Oh! What happened?! How many marks are you getting? What grade are you in?
I hope you get through anyway…

Grade 12 and 50 marks. I am also giving ZCO so I should definitely get through.

You got 50 right? I think that you’ll easily get selected.

Anyway, Good luck for ZCO!

I suggest you shift to C++ immediately. Its easier and most people use C++ so you’ll be at an advantage when you have doubts and such. Because you haven’t started it’ll be easy for you. There are plenty of online resources for c++. You’ll have to hop from one to another because you have 2 months to prepare. Do selected topics and do them well. Dynamic Programming, BFS, DFS are topics you should be proficient with within the next 20-25 days. Good Luck!

50 will most probably be enough to make it through. The cutoff for 11th last year was 30. Though the paper was easier this year I don’t think the cutoff will raise by more than 10.

Just knowing C++ is not enough. To pass the next level (INOI) you need to know the Basic Topic listed here: http://www.iarcs.org.in/inoi/online-study-material/topics/

Most of us got that last question wrong.

The cutoffs for previous years are available on the iarcs website. Std 12: 40 Std 11: 30 & for Std 10 or below: 25. The good thing(for us) is that cbse is no longer organizing so very few people gave it this year and the bad thing is that the paper was easy so if we made a careless mistake our chances are decreased significantly. I think it will be last year’s cutoff + 10 marks.

That why the "I THINK it will be last year’s cutoff + 10 ", anyway 3 days to go.

Well, a too late reply. But we cant be sure about it, in the examples they never even went to 2. And by the way, the results were supposed to be out by today…do we get a mail if we are selected?

They didn’t give any time frame. Yes, if you score the same as cutoff you’ve cleared the exam and can give the next round.


Cutoff increased by 5 this year.

You’ve qualified, cutoff was 45 even for 12th. You need to learn the topics listed under Basic Topics. There seems to always be one question based on Dynamic Programming. The cutoff is also usually 1 question out of 2.

It’s possible that Java will be included, since it is planned to be included in IOI 2015, but I don’t know for sure.

Congratulations, your answer is also considered.