ZIO 2020 discussion

Actually No, but ZCO would be kind of a mock exam. All you’d get to know would be the exam environment.

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Redacted //////

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I am giving the ZCO for first time and it says on the iarcs site that code::blocks will be provided, so are we able to debug the code and run custom inputs.
Also, it says that CodeChef is used as a platform to conduct ZCO and INOI, so is the competition conducted on CodeChef server.

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Related to it one doubt for those who have given ZCO in the past. Do we get to see the verdict of our code (like we get to know if its wrong) ? Or do we just submit and pray for AC in the final result. Also can we submit multiple times ?

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This is a mock practice exam, according to the description ZCO is conducted in similar manner.

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Yeah, I know about the mock practice exam but it is conducted just as any porblem on CodeChef, is ZCO also conducted on a CodeChef server

You actually did not read the description, right?

This contest is an exact replica of the exam environment provided in Zonal Computing Olympiad (ZCO) and Indian National Olympiad in Informatics (INOI)

So, i think you need to submit your solutions on codechef only.

ok, thanks
Also I was searching for a more efficient solution for the UpDown question from ZCO 2019, and your solution was the most efficient as per codechef, but I was not able to understand so can u explain it.


Can we please not discuss this in ZIO 2020 discussion pls ??


Actually, my solution is similar to the editorials. There are some series of observations you need to make.

  1. You can only insert one element.
  2. If I have a updown sequence and I remove an element from between, I will be left with two sequences. The first will be a updown sequence and if the length of the first sequence is even then the second would be what we will call a DownUp Sequence. And if the length of the first UD sequence is odd then second would also be an UD seq.
  3. If we remove the last element from an updown sequence, I am still left with an updown sequence.

DownUp -> Every odd element is bigger than its prev and next element.

By these observations it is clear that the longest updown sequence would either be
UpDown + ele + DownUP or UpDown + ele or UpDown + ele + UpDown

Now, all we need to do is to generate the sequences and find them. Look at my code and it will make sense.

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I have no problem in discussing it somewhere else, he asked it here so I am answering here.

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i also got 104

bro i think the cutoff was
9 or below : 20
10: 30
11: 40
12: 50

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Wait what??

@vijju123 please lock this thread