I Got an Plagarism issue on my id But i did no cheating even after this i got this issue

Please sir help me the plagiarism is not true i have written it by myself you can see the effort and hardwork i put on doing this please sir understand this
thank you
regards Adish Jain
Good Afternoon Sir,
Myself Adish Jain my codechef id is :adishjain1107 Recently i got an e-mail where it is written i have been caught cheating but it is completely wrong sir. I have been through the entire codechef code of conduct and after reading i get to this point that i have not violated any rule. The entire code given to me by your team is written by myself.
So I want you to please dont put the plagiarism on my id as i have worked very had from an year as you can see My Graph Just think a bit sir if i would have cheating why i took so time to reach 2 star on codechef i have participated in many contest around 19 and never did this type of behaviour which breake the codechef rule of conduct so please dont put any kind of ban or plagiarism against me
Thank You Sir,
Regards, Adish Jain
I have Worked a lot sir please don’t do it:

@adishjain1107 - please reply to the email you received from plagiarism@codechef.com.

The team will review your appeal.