PREP21 - Editorial

Problem Link - Evaluate Expression

Problem Statement -

You are given a string SS consisting of NN characters. Each character is either a digit from 00 to 99 or an operator out of +, -, and *.

Consider the string to be in reverse polish notation consisting of digits (from 11 to 99) as the operands and +, -, or * as the operators and evaluate the expression.


The key idea is to use a stack to perform the calculations based on the operators encountered:

  1. Stack Initialization: A stack is created to hold numbers as we process the expression.

  2. Processing the Expression: The code iterates through each character in the input string:

    • If the character is a digit (0-9), it is converted from a character to an integer and pushed onto the stack.

    • If the character is an operator (+, -, *, /), the two top numbers are popped from the stack, the operation is performed, and the result is pushed back onto the stack.

  3. Handling Operators: Each operator works as follows:

    • For +, pop the top two numbers, add them, and push the result.

    • For -, pop the top two numbers, subtract the first popped number from the second, and push the result.

    • For *, pop the top two numbers, multiply them, and push the result.

    • For /, pop the top two numbers, divide the second popped number by the first, and push the result.

  4. Final Result: After processing the entire expression, the final result is at the top of the stack.

Time Complexity:

O(n), where n is the number of characters in the input expression, as each character is processed once.

Space Complexity:

O(n), since the stack may store all numbers until the final result is computed.